Often community and catchment groups are involved in projects that enhance the environment.

These can include wetland restorations, fencing of water ways, riparian planting or creating walkways for their communities. Parts of these projects may require resource consents from us.

Planning your project

If you have a project that your community or catchment group is interested in starting, it’s a good idea to speak with a member of the Otago Regional Council's consents team. We can give you advice about which, if any, resource consents might be needed for your project.

You can speak to a member of the consents team in the early stages of planning your project to establish whether any resource consents will be required. The consents team can be contacted by emailing consent.enquiries@orc.govt.nz or by phoning 0800 474 082.

Pre-application meetings

Our consents team also offers Pre-application meetings. We will work with you to get a better understanding of what you are planning to do, what consents you may need, and we can also offer more comprehensive guidance for projects that need resource consent; these are called pre-application meetings. Pre-application meetings provide an opportunity for us to help you understand what consents might be needed and for you to chat about your proposal with our team before applying for resource consent.

Processing an application is generally simpler, quicker and less costly if the applicant has already sought our advice on the relevant plan provisions and information requirements before making an application.

To request a pre-application meeting complete a Request for Pre-application Advice form and email to consent.applications@orc.govt.nz.

Consents fees and charges

Want us to come and talk to you?

Sometimes it is easier to discuss you project at the location where you are planning to carry out the works. We can arrange site visits where a member of the consents team will meet with you onsite to discuss your plans.

These site visits are generally free of charge if they are for an environmental enhancement project.

We are also able to come and speak at your community or catchment group events about the rules and regulations which are of interest to you. If you would like us to come and speak to your community or catchment group email consent.enquiries@orc.govt.nz

Funding support for processing fees

Before your project can get off the ground you may need funding for things like consents. We have a fund available to help with the consent fees associated with projects where there is an environmental benefit. This fund applies to consent processing fees alongside the compliance and administration costs associated with the granted consent.  We have a total fund of $50,000 annually for this purpose.

Before you apply for processing fees support you must have a pre-application meeting with a member of our consents team to discuss your application. Funding support for fees is not guaranteed.

To organise a time for this meeting call us on 0800 474 082 or email consent.enquiries@orc.govt.nz

Further information on the criteria and how to apply

ECO Fund

If you are involved in a community project that protects, enhances or promotes Otago’s environment then you may also be eligible for funding under Otago Regional Council’s ECO Fund.

Note that the ECO Fund will not pay for the fees associated with resource consents, however it may be used for other aspects of your project.

Further information on the ECO Fund can be found below.

In addition to the ECO Fund, other sources of funding which you may be eligible to apply for can be found below.