If you have a resource consent approaching its expiry date and you want to continue the activity, it is worth thinking about reapplying for consent.

Once a resource consent expires, a new application must be made, and a new consent granted for the activity to continue.

A consent cannot be “renewed” or rolled over.

We advise you to apply for a new consent at least six months prior to the existing consent’s expiry date. This is because there are “continuation rights” which allow you to carry on operating under the existing consent, but only until a new consent is granted or declined and all appeals are determined.

Why do you need to reapply for a consent?

ORC needs to reassess the environmental impacts of an activity — as the environment is constantly changing — as well as any changes to the plans and rules that apply to the activity. 

You’ll need to apply using the correct form for your activity, as well as Form 1. 

When reapplying for a consent, it can be helpful to look over the original application. If any of the information you gave us last time is still relevant, it could be included in your new application.

If you would like a copy of the original application, please email consent.enquiries@orc.govt.nz

Where to send your application

Once you have completed the necessary forms, you can lodge the consent by emailing consents.applications@orc.govt.nz. Please include ‘consent application’ in the subject line.

You can also post them or drop them in to one of our ORC offices.

Fees and charges

Before your application can be formally submitted, the correct fee or deposit must be paid.

To find out how much the fee or deposit is for your application, please view the “what to pay tab” on the fees and charges webpage.

The deposit amount is determined by two things:

  • The notification status
  • Number of applications

For more information on fees and charges please view our "Pay It" page.

If you have any questions prior to submitting your application and payment, please email consent.enquiries@orc.govt.nz .