There are a lot of rules and guidelines that anyone with small or large forestry plantations need to understand.

These rules apply to plantation and permanent forestry. There will be different rules depending on the size and location of your forestry, including the type of planting, although generally most exotic forestry planting will require resource consent, while indigenous forestry is enabled.  

Information on when you might need a resource consent, useful links, relevant dates and answers to frequently asked questions are contained on these pages. But you can contact the consents team at any stage if you are unsure. 

  • Plantation forestry will be a permitted activity where it is less than 10 hectares in area, and the setbacks are met.
  • Permanent forestry will be a permitted activity where only indigenous species are planted, and the setbacks are met.
  • Where a resource consent is required for plantation or permanent forestry, it is typically a restricted discretionary activity and the matters for discretion include effects on water quantity, effects on water quality, management of wilding trees, and effects on freshwater and freshwater ecosystems. 


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Information for forestry

Working with forestry around waterways