Biodiversity is the whole variety of all life forms – plants, animals, micro-organisms, the genes they contain, and the ecosystems they create. 

We have a special relationship with our environment. However, our biodiversity is facing a crisis. Our indigenous species and ecosystems are in serious decline.  

Around 4000 of our native species in Aotearoa New Zealand have been identified as threatened or at risk of extinction. Almost two-thirds of our rare ecosystems are threatened with collapse. Some of these native species and ecosystems will disappear forever as they are found nowhere in the world.  

Bending the curve on biodiversity loss can only be successful if we work together with mana whenua, landowners, and our communities.  

We are one of the organisations whose job it is to maintain and protect indigenous biodiversity. We also support individuals and groups to keep the momentum of their biodiversity work going. 

By working together, we'll make the biggest difference. 

Actions you can take

Everyone can do something to help protect our indigenous biodiversity, whether it be protecting areas from further development, planting native trees in the right place, or trapping introduced predators.