Media release

ORC monitoring Otago river levels

Thursday 18 December 2014

The Otago Regional Council (ORC) is maintaining a close watch on rivers throughout the region as levels steadily drop and approach minimum low flows in some areas.

While rain is expected over the next few days, the predicted amounts are unlikely to reduce pressure on river levels. A reasonable spell of dry weather still has the potential to quickly reduce many rivers to minimum flow levels. Rivers that are approaching minimum low flows are:

  • Shag River - currently at 163 l/s, minimum flow is 150 l/s;
  • Waianakarua River - 220 l/s;
  • Kakanui River at Mill Dam - currently 494 l/s, minimum flow is 250 l/s;
  • Taieri River at Waipiata is 1305 l/s, minimum flow is 1000 l/s.

Most other rivers throughout the region are in steady decline.

Farmers should continue to manage their irrigation efficiently, and plan ahead in case the need for rationing arises.

Up-to-date river level and rainfall information is available on the ORC Water Info site or by phoning 0800 426 463.

For more information contact

Jeff Donaldson
Director environmental monitoring and operations
Ph 0800 474082 or 0274 357162