Media release

Flood advisory 1630hrs

Tuesday 27 May 2014

River levels in the Pomahaka and Lower Clutha are slowly receding but remain high.

The Clutha River at Balclutha is likely to remain high for at least another week with forecasted rain in the headwaters from tomorrow evening to Thursday morning.

Rain is forecasted for the headwaters of lakes Wakatipu, Wanaka and Hawea from tomorrow evening to Thursday morning.

With already saturated catchments and possible snow melt, rivers and lakes (in particular Wakatipu) are likely to rise, but no flooding of Queenstown or Wanaka is expected.

ORC will continue to monitor the situation. For more information go to or call the Flowphone on 0800 426 463.

Media enquiries contact

ORC duty flood manager
Ph 0800 474 082