Media release

ORC consulting on flood protection benefits

Friday 6 November 2015

Following feedback from Taieri ratepayers on the fairness of scheme funding in this year’s Long-Term Plan, ORC has agreed to review the public versus private benefit of the four Otago flood protection and drainage schemes in the Taieri and Lower Clutha catchments.

The review is being done by independent economic consultants Castalia, of Wellington. Part of the review process involves holding two public sessions next week, where interested people can have their say on the benefit of the schemes.

ORC director corporate services Nick Donnelly said those attending the drop-in sessions will receive a hard copy of the survey, which they can complete, and there is also an online option which anyone can take part in at

Both sessions are on Wednesday 11 November, starting in Balclutha at the South Otago Town and Country Club from 11am to 2pm, and later at the West Taieri Memorial Hall in Outram from 7pm to 9.30pm.

“All those in the targeted rating area covered by these schemes have been sent an invitation letter and information on the consultation process,” Mr Donnelly said.

Each of the council’s flood and drainage schemes are operated and maintained within clearly defined geographic areas. The current review covers the four schemes which provide protection for around 41,500ha of Otago land.

The review focuses on what the economic benefits of the schemes are, and how they are divided between public and private benefits.

Castalia is due to report back to council on the private and public benefit of the schemes in February.

Council will then decide whether any changes are required to scheme funding, which could then be consulted on as part of the 2016/17 draft annual plan, Mr Donnelly said.

For more information please contact

Nick Donnelly
Director corporate services
Ph 03 474 0827 or 0274 549 148