Asking our community

Thursday 18 June 2020

There are two major consultations running at the moment, where we’d love you to have your say and share your feedback on transport in our city.

Shaping Future Dunedin Transport

With the new Dunedin Hospital being built, the current transport system around it, which thousands of us use, may have to change. We have a unique opportunity to look at options to create a transport system that’s safer, better connected and offers a range of travel choices as the rebuild happens.

Otago Regional Council (ORC), Dunedin City Council (DCC) and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency have, as the Connecting Dunedin partnership, been working on the Shaping Future Dunedin Transport project to review what those options might look like.

This includes how the central city transport system could change to better support developments such as the new hospital, and enhance the central city as a place where people want to spend time.

From Monday 15 June to Monday 13 July, we want your input on ideas developed so far. These include ideas to improve transport choice and safety, enhance our street environment and provide better bus, walking and cycling experiences. There are also ideas for parking and how State Highway 1 runs through the city, including whether it stays one way or changes to two way.

Please visit this interactive website at  to find out more about the project and share your ideas and comments.

You can also call 477 4000.

Useful links and information

See more Shaping Future Dunedin Transport project information on

Find out more about Connecting Dunedin and the wider approach to Dunedin transport at     

Find out more about the New Dunedin Hospital at

Flat fares and the Bee Card

ORC has said yes to a proposal for temporary “flat” fares when Orbus transitions from the GoCard to the Bee Card, the new tag-on tag-off bus card being introduced later this winter.

We’re proposing to temporarily remove the five fare zones, tertiary student concession and GoExtra concession. We’ll replace this with one zone and three simple fares plus free travel for SuperGold card holders at any time. These are the proposed fares:

  • $2 with a Bee Card for all (other than youth)
  • $1.50 with a Bee Card for youth (5–18 year olds)
  • $3 cash fare (no Bee Card) for all passengers

What else you need to know

  • Tertiary and GoExtra users would pay the adult fare with a Bee Card
  • The flat fares would coincide with the launch of the Bee Card
  • The Bee Card is scheduled to go live late in August – you can’t order your card just yet
  • Bus trips will remain free until the transition to the Bee Card
  • Children under five-years-old will continue to travel for free

Let us know what you think about the flat fares. Go to Consultation closes Thursday 2 July at 5pm.