Media release

Grounded vessel Tamahine being assessed

Tuesday 4 June 2024

ORC has had staff visit the site of the grounded vessel this morning, and so far there has been no pollution released into the environment, says ORC’s harbourmaster Steve Rushbrook.

He says ORC is still waiting to confirm the amount of fuel and hydraulic fluids aboard the vessel.

Mr Rushbrook says it is too hazardous to get another vessel near the grounded vessel to tow it off and effect salvage.

“We just can't get near it at the moment as it’s on the rocks,” he says.

Given the high swell conditions, it is possible the wooden vessel will begin breaking up over the next six to 12-hours. Staff would attempt to clear debris from the area if able to do so safely, he says.

(There will potentially be an update after noon today. ORC does not have photos at this stage)