Decisions released on proposed Otago regional policy statement 2021 — freshwater planning Instrument parts

Thursday 28 March 2024

The Otago Regional Council notifies its decisions on the recommendations of the Freshwater Hearings Panel on the freshwater planning instrument parts of the proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement 2021 (pORPS 2021), in accordance with Schedule 1, Clause 52(5) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).

On 27 March 2024, the Council accepted each recommendation in the report of the Freshwater Hearings Panel on the freshwater planning instrument parts of the Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement 2021 (pORPS 2021).

From 30 March 2024, the freshwater planning instrument parts of the pORPS 2021 are amended in accordance with those decisions.

The Panel’s report provides reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions, recommendations for amendments to the freshwater planning instrument parts of the pORPS 2021, and a further evaluation of the freshwater planning instrument parts of the pORPS 2021 undertaken in accordance with section 32AA of the RMA. It includes a marked-up copy of the pORPS 2021 showing the recommended amendments.

The Council’s decision, including the Panel’s report is available on Otago Regional Council’s website:

A copy of the decision can be requested by phoning 03 474 0827 or 0800 474 082, or by emailing

A copy of the decision is available at the Council’s offices at:

  • Philip Laing House, Level 2, 144 Rattray Street, Dunedin
  • Alta House, Level 1, Terrace Junction, 1092 Frankton Road, Queenstown

and at any public library in the region.

Anita Dawe
General Manager Policy and Science
Signed on behalf of the Otago Regional Council,
Saturday, 30 March 2024.