ORC green lights $854k for 33 community environmental projects

Wednesday 22 May 2024

A total 33 environmental projects across Otago have been granted a total $854,733 in this year’s annual ECO Fund and Incentives Funding programmes.

This afternoon, at a full Council meeting in Dunedin, the 33 recipients from both funding streams were confirmed by Councillors; bringing total funds dispersed since mid-2018 to more than $2.5 million.

Of about $918,000 available this year, a total 65 applicants were initially seeking $2.7 million – about three times oversubscribed – with the 33 successful applicants now to share a total $854,733.

The funding supports community driven projects, which protect, enhance, and promote Otago’s environment, which now tops a total $2.58 million going to 166 organisations since mid-2018.

ORC’s Chair of the ECO Fund Assessment Panel, Alan Somerville, says he’s delighted the ECO Fund and incentive funding programme has been able to support projects across Otago - from the headwaters and Central Otago to North Otago, Dunedin and the Catlins.

“Otago gets huge value from the ECO Fund. Control of pests - sycamores, rabbits and possums - protects our natural landscapes and habitats. Native revegetation restores habitat and looks after our waterways. Traplines and control of predators further helps our native animal populations recover,” Cr Somerville says.

He says the ECO Fund goes “way beyond” ecological benefits.

“Communities know what matters most locally and the ECO Fund can empower them to turn those ideas into action. Local groups throughout Otago build valuable knowledge and skills and strengthen their community connections. They put in a very impressive amount of work,” he says.

Local groups also play an important part in educating their communities about environmental values and action.

“It’s especially pleasing that we have supported environmental programmes in three primary schools. Those children can carry their attitudes of care for the environment into their adult lives,” he says.

Cr Somerville highlighted the funds were bigger than ever this year, but ORC was still not able to fund all applicants.

“Thanks to everyone who took part. We’ll take what we have learnt from this round into a review of the fund and its processes, so we can make things work as well as possible for the environment and the people of Otago.”

ORC’s Manager Environmental Implementation Libby Caldwell says the oversubscription again this year in-part likely reflects the ending of the Government’s Jobs for Nature funding which had supported many groups in past years.

“Oversubscription reflects the ongoing need in communities for these important funding streams,” she says.

“The wide variety of projects approved for funding is a great example of the ORC working in partnership with local communities around Otago, to improve and enhance the environment in many ways,” Mrs Caldwell says.

The applications covered a wide variety of topics, from pest plant and animal control, native species protection and habitat restoration, native revegetation, and regeneration.

Within all the funding there was a new one-off large scale biodiversity Incentive Fund of $300,000, which attracted 10 applications seeking a total $1.27 million. Three applicants were recommended for the total $300,000.


ECO Fund - Recommended projects and funding allocation March 2024 round 


Project Name  


Project Activity 

Recommended Grant amount 

Mokihi Reforestation Trust 

Mokihi Reforestation Trust planting sites 


Native revegetation 


Penguin Rescue 

Improving yellow-eyed penguin health through screening blood 


Threatened species 


Aspiring Biodiversity Trust 

Makarore/Makarora Ōtānenui/Wilkin Catchment threatened species project - From ridge to river 


Pest animal control 


Tūmai Beach Restoration Trust 

Tūmai beach coastal forest restoration 


Native revegetation 


Alexandra Primary School 

Native moth and butterfly habitat restoration  


Native revegetation 


Hampden School 

Planting the seeds of ecosystems restoration through a native nursery at Hampden School 


Plant nursery 


Seek Weeds and Terminate (SWAT) under the umbrella of Save the Otago Peninsula Inc 

Otago Peninsula Darwin's Barberry containment project 


Pest plant control 


Kyeburn catchment Ltd 

Kye Burn Central Otago roundhead galaxias restoration  


 Pest animal control 


Puketapu Community Trust 

Waihemo recreation reserve regeneration 


 Pest animal control and native revegetation 


Friends of Burns Reserve Trust 

Sycamore in Burns Park Scenic Reserve and environs 


 Pest plant control 





Incentives – Planting after Pest Plant Control - Recommended projects and funding allocation for March 2024 round 


Project Name 


Project Activity 

Recommended Grant amount 

The Rotary Club of Oamaru 

Rotary Glen native planting 


Native planting 


Otago Fish & Game 

Bendigo Wildlife Reserve 


Native planting 


Hāwea Charitable Trust 

Enhancing Lake Hāwea's indigenous biodiversity: Rowley Bay-Stage 3 


Native planting 


Lower Manorburn Reserve working group/committee 

Lower Manorburn Reserve wilding conifer removal and native revegetation project 


Native planting 






Incentives – Planting for Water Quality - Recommended projects and funding allocation for March 2024 round 


Project Name 


Project Activity 

Recommended Grant amount 

Friends of Bullock Creek Inc 

Bullock Creek 


Native planting 


Maheno School 

Maheno School native plants project 


Native planting 





Incentives – Biodiversity Enhancement of Protected Private Land - Recommended projects and funding allocation for March 2024 round 


Project Name 


Project Activity 

Recommended Grant amount 

Pūrākaunui Block Incorporated 

Pūrākaunui Block Inc - Saltmarsh restoration plan 


Pest plant control and native planting 


Remarkables Station National Trust Limited 

Remarkables Station sycamore Control 


Pest plant control 


Soho Property Limited 

AT220 trapping expansion 


 Pest animal control 


David Malloch 

Woody weed control at Bendoran Farm covenant, Waikouaiti 


Pest plant control 


Rachel Gibb 

19 Ellesmere Street covenant 


Pest plant control and native planting 


Roselle Farm 

Roselle QEII bush restoration 


Pest plant control 


Auldamor Ltd 

Auldamor Farm covenant 


Native planting 


The Matai Hill Trust/Neo Leaders Ltd 

Matai Hill restoration  


Pest plant control 





Incentives – Sustained Rabbit Management - Recommended projects and funding allocation for March 2024 round 


Project Name 


Project Activity 

Recommended Grant amount 

Pukehau Ahu Whenua Trust 

Neighbours' knowledge exchange- collaborative best practice rabbit management 


Pest animal control 


Hidden Hills Residents Association 

Hidden Hills rabbit project certification training 


Pest animal control 


Luggate Heights Residents Group 

Rabbit exclusion fencing, Luggate Heights 


Pest animal control 


Lovells Flat Rabbit Control Group 

Lovells Flat rabbit control fencing 


Pest animal control 


Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group 

Rabbit control on the Otago Peninsula 


Pest animal control 


Maungawera Biodiversity Group Inc 

Maungawera Valley rabbit containment  


Pest animal control 






Incentives – Large Scale Biodiversity - Recommended projects and funding allocation for March 2024 round 


Project Name 


Project Activity 

Recommended Grant amount 

Southern Lakes Sanctuary Trust 

Makarora Biodiversity Protection 


Pest animal control 


Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc 

Hilltops to sea - restoring priority habitats and species along the Otago coast. 


Pest animal control 


The Wildlife Hospital Trust 

Critical Hoiho Interventions - 2024 Breeding Season 


 Threatened species 

 $50,612.18 (part) 



Summary of funding requested

Dispersals at a glance

ECO Fund – 10 project recommendations totalling $314,454. Projects include in Dunedin, Central Otago, North Otago, and Upper Lakes.

Incentives Funding – sustained rabbit management, six projects totalling $100,000. Projects include Dunedin, Wanaka, South Otago, and wider Central Otago.

Incentives Funding – native planting after plant pest removal, four projects totalling $35,171. Projects include in Oamaru, Hāwea, and Central Otago.

Incentives Funding – native plant for water quality, two project recommendations for $11,675. Projects are in North Otago and Wanaka.

Incentives Funding – biodiversity enhancement on protected private land, eight project recommendations totalling $93,433. Projects include in Queenstown, Wanaka, Dunedin and coastal Otago.

Large-scale biodiversity – three project recommendations totalling $300,000. Projects include Upper Lakes, Dunedin and Catlins.

The process

ECO Fund applications were open for a month until 2 April. A four member staff panel then reviewed eligibility and scored the applications before the Assessment Panel undertook their review and scoring. This panel which was made up of three ORC Councillors and one mana whenua representative, met on 22 April, and recommended the shortlisting of 33applicants. Following a report to the Environmental Implementation Committee on 8 May, that Committee made recommendations to the full Council meeting today (22 May), which Councillors voted for.

The ECO Fund and Incentives Funding programmes will be reviewed later this year, to ensure it is fit-for-purpose and aligns with the objectives of the Long-Term Plan 2024-34.

To date, $2.58 million distributed since 2018

Over the past 10 rounds of ECO Fund since mid-2018, a total $7.58 million was applied for, with a total 166 applicants (from 351) successful, with a total $2.58 million distributed.

On average, each of the nine rounds was oversubscribed by 300%.

In this round Incentives Funding, which is ring-fenced, was underspent by about $59,700 and the Assessment Panel has recommended it be returned to the budget for the next funding round.