Media release

Test article

Monday 20 May 2024

Industry experts and the latest earthworks and erosion technology are coming to Queenstown on 10 April, thanks to a collaboration between the Otago Regional Council (ORC) and the International Erosion Control Association (IECA).

“By bringing key speakers to the region and providing a space for exhibitors from all over New Zealand, we are expanding what local industry players can see as possible solutions in the earthworks sector. Our ultimate aim in organising this event is to improve environmental outcomes across Otago now and into the future,” says Mrs Sargeant.

“This event has been organised in response to a pilot Earthworks Q & A event we ran in Queenstown in June last year, which was so well received by the local industry that we expanded the day this time.”

Co-organiser and Vice President of the Australasian Chapter of the IECA Joe Johnson says this event is for everyone, from engineers, architects and developers to earthworks contractors and environmental practitioners.

"It's great to be working with the Otago Regional Council in providing a day that showcases education and innovation whilst also providing an opportunity to network at the Queenstown Earthworks Field Day,” says Mr Johnson.

“Join us at the Queenstown Events Centre on 10 April with other earthworks industry professionals to witness the synergy of the latest technology, innovation combined with insightful educational sessions that propels us towards a future where the impact of erosion and its by product – sediment – is minimised."


roxburgh river.
roxburgh river.


Key speakers include:

  • Gregor McLean, Director of Southern Skies Environmental and contributing author of the industry guideline document known commonly as GD05.
  • Dathan Proudlove, Head of Environment and Sustainability (TREC) for Downer New Zealand, speaking about the Marshlands Bridge upgrade in Christchurch and the environmental challenges his team faced.
  • Stephanie Kirk, Environmental Manager for HEB Construction and winner of the IECA Australasia's award for ‘Innovation, Contribution and Collaboration to the Erosion, Sediment Control Industry’ for her team’s work with NIWA and its innovative weather forecasting software.
  • Quinn McIntyre, Director and Principle Environmental Consultant of Enviroscope, speaking about the trials and tribulations of erosion and sediment control in an alpine environment.
  • Alex Bees, Environmental Lead at Fletcher Construction, speaking about his work with the Eastern Busway Alliance managing environmental compliance for a complex infrastructure project.  
  • Blair Gray, Principal Environmental Consultant for EnviroCo Ltd, speaking about innovative ways to treat construction phase stormwater run-off on a steep hillside without building an SRP.

Co-organiser and Vice President of the Australasian Chapter of the IECA Joe Johnson says this event is for everyone, from engineers, architects and developers to earthworks contractors and environmental practitioners.

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Read more about the event.