The 2022 election was held on 8 October 2022.
Notice of 2022 Triennial Local Authority Elections
Further Notice of 2022 Triennial Local Authority Elections
Pre-election report 2022
This report outlines the work of the ORC and some of the challenges facing the region and the Council, now and in the future.
Final results for 8 October 2022 Local Election
This result includes all ordinary and special ballots cast through the close of voting at noon, 8 October 2022.
The 2022-2025 Councillors for the Otago Regional Council are:
Dunedin Constituency: Gretchen Robertson, Bryan Scott, Andrew Noone, Elliot Weir, Alan Somerville, and Tim Mepham
Dunstan Constituency: Gary Kelliher, Alexa Forbes, and Michael Laws
Moeraki Constituency: Kevin Malcolm
Molyneux Constituency: Lloyd McCall and Kate Wilson
Notes and definitions of donations and expenses:
November 2022
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October 2022
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November 2022
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November 2022
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November 2022
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November 2022
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November 2022
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December 2022
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October 2022
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November 2022
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October 2022
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November 2022
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November 2023
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December 2022
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October 2022
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October 2023
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December 2022
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October 2022
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November 2022
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November 2022
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December 2022
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November 2022
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November 2022
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December 2022
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(link to otago-regional-council-otago-regional-council-final-fpp-result.pdf document)
How and when to vote, and results for past local elections
Local elections are held every three years by postal vote.
Residents and other ratepayers in Otago have the chance to vote for 12 Councillors elected from four constituencies based on area using the First Past the Post (FPP) system.
These constituencies are Dunedin (six Councillors), Dunstan (three Councillors), Molyneux (two Councillors) and Moeraki (one Councillor).
GIS interactive constituency map
The final result for the Otago Regional Council elections held on Saturday 8th October is as follows.
Dunstan Regional Constituency (3 vacancies) |
Votes Received |
9,885 |
FORBES, Alexa |
9,874 |
LAWS, Michael |
9,517 |
LEPPER, Tony |
9,496 |
BARKER, Mike |
6,283 |
102 |
1,439 |
Alexa FORBES, Gary KELLIHER and Michael LAWS are declared elected. |
Molyneux Regional Constituency (2 vacancies) |
Votes Received |
MCCALL, Lloyd |
8,487 |
WILSON, Kate |
6,763 |
HOPE (NEE KNOWLER), Carmen Felicity |
6,460 |
123 |
2,025 |
Lloyd MCCALL and Kate WILSON are declared elected. |
Dunedin Regional Constituency (6 vacancies) |
Votes Received |
ROBERTSON, Gretchen |
17,401 |
SCOTT, Bryan Independent |
15,172 |
NOONE, Andrew |
15,106 |
WEIR, Elliot |
12,517 |
SOMERVILLE, Alan Green Ötepoti |
11,235 |
11,114 |
ANDERSON, Richard |
9,559 |
BUDD, Malcolm |
8,917 |
SOUTHWORTH, Bill Labour |
8,722 |
DAVIES, Ross Climate - Buses - Water - Air |
8,654 |
LYELL, Geoff Independent |
7,455 |
COCKLE, James Independent |
6,401 |
KIORE, Mathew |
6,175 |
PITA, Watson |
5,115 |
SHULZITSKI, Jenn (Slime) Slime the Nitrate Monster |
3,367 |
354 |
4,085 |
Tim MEPHAM, Andrew NOONE, Gretchen ROBERTSON, Bryan SCOTT, Alan SOMERVILLE and Elliot WEIR are declared elected.
An elections was not required for the following position. Moeraki Constituency (1 vacancy)
As the number of nominations received did not exceed the number of vacancies, Kevin MALCOLM is declared elected.
Anthony Morton Electoral Officer
Otago Regional Council 14 October 2022
Voting for candidates in the 2022 Local Body Elections ended on 8 October 2022 at noon.
Here are profiles of the confirmed candidates for the ORC 2022 triennial elections.
Tap or click the name to read the candidate profile.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
Born and bred here, I have always called Dunedin and Otago home. I grew up on a sheep and beef farm in inland Otago, have lived in Dunedin City and now reside on the outskirts of Dunedin, which I believe gives me an understanding of the needs of both town and country.
Having worked professionally in the agriculture sector for the past 22 years, I am very passionate about our great region, what it has to offer and protecting the region's future.
I aim to be a strong voice and advocate for the community with openness and transparency. I am passionate and dedicated to protecting our environment and our water ways which are key to our way of life.
Having spent my childhood swimming, fishing and hunting, I want to ensure these great resources are protected, so my children and future generations can enjoy them.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
Malcolm Budd, retired, Otago Regional Council candidate.
My strengths are in public transport. I want to see a user-friendly service and system people can trust.
I have 47 years in the transport industry. Previous employment includes enforcement officer with the Ministry of Transport, and 17 years with Ritchie's Coachlines as Dunedin Regional Manager and National Business Development Manager. I have also owned and operated a bus and coach business.
I'm currently Chairman of the Otago Automobile Association District Council and National Councillor, representing its members. I am a board member of Students Against Dangerous Driving (SADD), and a past Chairman of the Bus and Coach Association Otago/ Southland Branch.
With my experience and understanding of the public transport system and keen interest in Local Government and Otago's water, land, and air resources, I feel I have the right attributes and ability to represent the Otago communities and make a difference.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
The well-being of our people and the natural world go hand in hand. A vote for me is a vote for transport, water quality, and action on climate change. Ecological collapse is upon us with flooding, droughts, wildfires and heat waves across New Zealand and the world. Fish wash up on our shores and birds fall from the sky in India's heat waves. What we choose to do in the next few years will dictate the future of humanity. Thankfully, we can improve our quality of life and restore our ecosystems at the same time. I stand for improved and free public transport resulting in lower emissions, safer roads, and reduced congestion. As a councillor, I will stand up for water quality and support regenerative land care practices to reduce fertiliser use, increase farm profits, sequester carbon, restore the soil, and heal our precious water ways.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
For more about me and why I'm standing, see and @RossDavies4Otago (Facebook).
Climate - change is upon us and the Otago Regional Council (ORC) should ensure reduced emissions and accelerate adaptation to the impacts of climate change.
Buses - Dunedin's bus system needs to be better. Questions need asking, and improvements are necessary.
Water, land and air - The ORC is re-setting critical rules to protect Otago's water, land, and air. These need to be sustainable, enforceable, and provide a healthy environment.
The partnership with manawhenua needs to progress to sitting at the Council table.
I have 18 years local government experience in Dunedin as a Borough Councillor and a Community Board member and I understand the difference between governance and management.
I will listen to staff and Councillors, to you and to myself. I will strive to do the best things, whether popular or not.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
Mathew Kiore
Why vote for me?
I will work hard to help find a way forward that respects our industries, considers the needs of our communities, and look to improve the environment.
I want what you want, a good healthy sustainable future.
Support me to get the job done
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
Hello, I have a background as an industrial electrician (15yrs) and as a professional/volunteer fire fighter (15yrs). I'm standing for council as I am concerned by the expansion and overreach of bureaucracy. I'm offering a no nonsense, pragmatic resolution approach. I support sustainable environmental practices but I believe the current hedonistic rush to net carbon zero, while major world polluters persist, is economic suicide.
Bureaucratic overreach by Central and Local government needs to be addressed, including respecting the Bill of Rights. The proposed Three Waters reform is a travesty that should be rejected. These and many other issues require serious consideration. As a Karitane resident I have co-led a successful public campaign to get NZ Post to reverse their proposed service reduction. I hope to utilise my skills, experience and community involvement to effectively represent the voice of the people.
Thank you. Geoff Lyell.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
I am a Chartered Accountant, Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Directors and an experienced community and business leader in Otago. I am the Chair of Presbyterian Support Otago, a trustee of the Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust and a Director of City Forests.
I have been a Fish and Game member for many years, fishing in the rivers and lakes in Otago and unfortunately witnessing the degradation of several of our freshwater systems. We have an important responsibility to care for our environment and its resources for our children, grandchildren, and each other. We must be active kaitiaki of this land.
If elected, I will focus on exploring opportunities to increase the storage capacity of existing dams and reservoirs in Otago, and to maintain reliable water supply and sustainable minimum water flows to deliver healthy rivers.
Otago is a treasure I want to help protect.
Kā mihi nui ki a koutou
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
After six years at ORC, I am standing for council again. I've proven to be a steady hand throughout a challenging few years and want to see the things through that I've been part of developing. We are on the cusp of delivering important work that will benefit Otago's natural environment and the people who live here, and I want to keep ORC on task and on track. Otago is a special place. I feel a sense of connection to the environment and respect iwi values for how natural resources should be managed - caring for our natural resources is fundamental to human existence.
It is a privilege to represent the community and with my combined rural and urban background (farming and 18 years as a DCC councillor), I am well placed to continue my balanced leadership to look after the features that make Otago such a great place to live.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
Asking the right questions is the way to seek the desired answers from a community. As I am a connector of people, I see my role at Otago Regional Council (ORC) to ask the pertinent questions of the Otago community, so Councillors have the information to make the best decisions possible.
I am particularly focused on accentuating the connection between mana whenua and the ORC to continue progress in achieving collaborative outcomes. Having spent much of my career as an educator of Te Reo Māori and connector of Mātauranga Māori (knowledge) and Tikanga Māori, I bring to the Council a specialised perspective with genuine understanding, for both Māori and Pākehā. However, any solution must work for the betterment of all members of the Otago community.
In addition, I am interested in asking questions concerning financial goals and outcomes, and supporting the ORC, for example, in the spending of ratepayers money.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
Our environment, is the heart of Otago. Our diversity: our strength. Our environment: our common heart.
I'm a multigenerational Otago person with a young family. I've worked as an aquatic scientist, community facilitator, and commissioner. Governance roles include: Otago Regional Councillor (2004-today), sport, community grants and catchment groups.
My balance of technical and community understanding will drive environmental, and quality of life, outcomes. I will stand up for your values.
Otago's a fantastic region, but we're facing environmental- health impacts in our daily lives. Enhancing our biodiversity, public transport, waterways, air, productive land, climate and wellbeing requires action right now.
ORC needs a constructive team focused on real action as an environmental custodian. Not delay, and conflict.
Great things are never done alone, they are done together. Your representatives need to work professionally and constructively, and care about our environment and communities.
I respectfully seek your support
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
(B.Eng, MBA). My priorities in seeking re-election are to enhance the health of our waterways, sound governance and environmental stewardship.
During the past term, I was co-chair of the ORC Implementation Committee and involved in establishing the Otago Catchments Community; a regional group dedicated to improving the water quality of our rivers. I also supported ORC policy improvements for water and sustainability, along with promoting the urgent development of a new and comprehensive Land and Water Regional Plan, in consultation with community and iwi. My other priorities include climate change, biodiversity, transportation, electric buses, air quality, urban design and an agreed plan for South Dunedin.
I am an Engineer, Project Manager, accredited Resource Management commissioner, budding author, member of the NZ Alpine Club and former chair of George St Normal School. I was born in Otago and raised my family here. I am passionate about sustainability issues and Otago's future.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
I'm Slime the Nitrate Monster who's been oozing my influence through Otago for years. I'm now ready to rule the regional council. Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer is my power. Slime is your reward.
I stand for green-washed deserts of grass from mountain peaks to ocean shores. Drain the rivers! Choke the köura and wai mäori. Stop complaining about the Manuherikia. Whatever! As Slime the Nitrate Monster, I stand for more cow urine, cancerous drinking water, and money at all costs. More milk powder!
Children don't deserve to swim in rivers. They have swimming pools! Water is for grass. Grass is for cows. Cows are for urine and slime.
I applaud the Otago ratepayers who subsidize the dairy industry to expand my domination. I'm also thankful to Ravensdown and Ballance, the sources of my slimy power.
If a river gets to the sea with water in it, that's a waste! Vote Slime!
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
The ORC needs effective relationships between councillors, staff, mana whenua, and the community. It must champion Papatūānuku and the natural environment, and look after Otago's people in the face of climate change.
A twenty-five year career in early childhood education means I understand the importance of protecting Otago's environment for future generations. As a keen tramper, I appreciate the fragile beauty of our rivers and landscapes. Our children deserve a future where they can swim in the rivers, where towns and transport are organised to promote sustainable lifestyles, and where land is nurtured through sensitive planning and farming practice.
I bring skills and experience in working constructively with a wide variety of people and reaching agreement that leads to action. I have been chair of community housing provider Abbeyfield Dunedin for ten years and have a good knowledge of our region through working with Playcentres right across Otago.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
The Otago Regional Council's core duty is to protect our natural resources. Could it do a better job? I strongly think so.
Intensive dairying has degraded our rivers. Dunedin has the second worst air quality of any city. South Dunedin needs better flood protection.
Our buses need incentives to get passengers on them - such as free fares for children, students and community card holders.
To deal to these problems it needs councillors who will change the way things are managed, ensuring debates are civilised and constructive.
A vote for me will be a vote for someone who gets things done. I initiated Labour's inquiry into supermarket prices and its dental assistance for people on low incomes.
I have run a successful business and been a community chair and organiser. After a long career in print and broadcast journalism, I was Executive Director of the New Zealand Journalists Training Organisation.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunedin Constituency area.
If elected as your councillor, I will advocate passionately for Otago's land, water, and people. As a postgraduate ecology student at Otago University, I will provide a young, fresh, energetic voice on council. I will use my science background to make critically informed decisions on issues facing our region. I have worked for Critic Te Ārohi, Otago's student magazine, for two years. Reporting on the Otago Regional Council made me realise that council needs a culture shift. We need to seriously improve the health of our rivers, bring forward air quality work, upgrade public transport, and implement climate change adaptations.
I have been involved in conservation projects across Dunedin, and am emphatic about protecting Papatūānuku and our land for now and the future.
This is a critical time for the region, and there's a lot of work ahead, but I'm excited about what we can achieve.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunstan Constituency area.
I am a retired marine scientist having spent most of my working life in the departments of Zoology and Marine Science at the Otago University, Head of the Marine Science Department from 2000- 2006. I am married to Erena and we have two adult children.
I have a strong interest in the biology and ecology of marine and freshwater fish and invertebrates, and in the conservation of New Zealand's natural resources. I am an Otago Fish and Game Councillor (2018-present).
Water quality of Central Otago rivers and lakes has deteriorated significantly over the last 5 years due to water abstraction, land use change and rampant urban development. Coastal environments are also under pressure from sea level rise and increasing water temperatures. I believe I can make a useful contribution to the next Otago Regional Council in helping to provide skilled governance of these natural resources.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunstan Constituency area.
Kia ora, I am a researcher and educator seeking a second term on ORC.
I work to respond locally to global issues of climate change and biodiversity loss. I take a long-term view of resource use and do not shy away from the challenge of bringing environmental thinking to the council. I've lived in Queenstown since 1986 and served two terms on QLDC. Representing the Dunstan Ward, I bring the concerns of the growing populations of Central Otago and the Lakes District to the ORC. Communities are best placed to figure out solutions to their problems, so the relationship between ORC and its communities is extremely important. So is strengthening bonds with our treaty partner, Kai Tahu. I look for a collective approach that allows for diversity of experience and thinking and that is well supported by scientific evidence and mätauranga Mäori.,, facebook/councilloralexa, 021 296 4255
My principal place of residence is in the Dunstan Constituency area.
I stand for balance, sustainability, environment and opportunity - seeking the sweet spot between protecting the environment we value, and economic outcomes critical to a thriving Queenstown-Lakes and Central Otago.
Our communities are under immense pressure as we rebuild the economy from the effects of covid. Now is the time for leadership to keep Otago on track environmentally and economically.
An ORC Councillor from 2013-16, and the last term. ORC desperately needs strong stable leadership. My commitment to serve and my past experience offers you this. I have long established family, and business connections across both Queenstown-Lakes and Central Otago, with family dating back to the earliest Wanaka settlers. Our businesses include agriculture, roading/quarrying and contracting. Past community commitments include chairing catchment groups, and a research institute establishment committee.
A civil engineer by profession, former/current affiliations include RMA commissioner, and Institute of Directors. I humbly seek your support.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunstan Constituency area.
The past three years have been challenging for the ORC: in part, because of all-encompassing demands from central government but also the accumulated neglect of previous councils. In all this time, my role has been to ensure three things.
First, that we make environmental decisions based upon science, and not ideology. Second, that we equitably balance the needs of the environment with human activity. Third, that rate increases are matched by improved ORC performance. I voted against this year's 18% rise on that basis alone.
I am pleased to record that my Lakes Strategy initiative is underway - an environmental plan to protect, preserve and enhance each of our wonderful Central lakes, whether natural or man-made. I am a passionate advocate for more proactive rabbit and lagarosiphon control strategies. And I will ensure that you and your community are the ORC's prime focus, and not Wellington dictate nor co-governance demand.
My principal place of residence is in the Dunstan Constituency area.
I would relish the opportunity to use my skills and experience to help restore the public's confidence in the Otago Regional Council.
I am a former Mayor of Central Otago. I have just finished a five-year term on the Conservation Authority where collectively we gave advice to both the Director General and Minister of Conservation. My final piece of work for the Authority was getting the Otago CMS approved. This planning document will greatly improve the opportunities for biking in Otago.
I have recently finished my work on the Rural Water Supplies Technical working group where I had input into the practical provisions of the proposed Water Services Bill and gave advice to the Minister. I remain Chair of Bowls New Zealand and Deputy Chair of the Centre for Space Science Trust. I am also coming to the end of my first term on the Central Lakes Trust.
Kevin Malcolm will be elected unopposed.
My principal place of residence is in the Molyneux Constituency area.
Carmen is a qualified drain-layer with water quality and quantity knowledge, and farms with her husband Alistair and two children in the hinterland of Middlemarch at Roadesende Station, 25km in the hinterland of Middlemarch. Practical, sensible, enthusiastic, caring and resilient, she has the skills and knowledge applicable to urban and rural communities, and she is committed to being engaged and connected with the Otago Region. Carmen is a tireless and energetic worker and has six years experience on the Otago Regional Council. She is an attentive listener, a focused public speaker and is familiar with good governance and the development of policy in partnership with communities. As a Winston Churchill Fellow, and while employed by the Dunedin City Council as a drainage investigator, she researched drainage practices in rural and urban areas of Britain, USA and Singapore, gaining knowledge which is relevant to the current and future Otago Water Plan.
My principal place of residence is in the Molyneux Constituency area.
Otago is my home. A quality environment should be the inheritance of our grandchildren. With a make-it-happen attitude and diverse skills, I can achieve outcomes for both our environment and quality of life.
Over the past decade I have led the establishment of multiple award-winning local Catchment Projects. Initiatives like the Pomahaka Catchment Project deliver real outcomes on the strength of community.
Professionally I have worked in farm management, banking, and business mentoring. My governance experience is as a Clutha District Councillor, West Otago Health Trustee and company director.
Climate change, biodiversity, wilding pines, pests, transport, and urban development are immediate challenges that need a functional council.
Our communities will prosper if we work together for the right outcomes. Ground-up approaches, backed by science gives ownership, responsibility, and enduring solutions. I offer proven team ethos, communication skills and a get-itdone attitude.
I respectfully seek your support.
My principal place of residence is in the Molyneux Constituency area.
We live in a wonderful place and the role of the regional council is to maintain this environment for us now and for the future.
The best way to do that is to acknowledge and resource the people and communities who are already doing great work. We need to listen to communities' ambitions and enable them to do the right thing. Whether it be coastal erosion, wilding pines, pests, water supply and quality, transport or flood issues, we need to work together at all levels to maintain and enhance the environment.
The best results come from being in the field, working at community level, listening, educating, assisting and engaging local enthusiasm to create catchment scale plans that work up to regional plans.
I have worked successfully at many levels of community development to bring positive change, and I would welcome the opportunity to work for you again on the ORC.