The 2022 election was held on 8 October 2022. 

Notice of 2022 Triennial Local Authority Elections

Further Notice of 2022 Triennial Local Authority Elections

Pre-election report 2022
This report outlines the work of the ORC and some of the challenges facing the region and the Council, now and in the future.

Final results for 8 October 2022 Local Election

This result includes all ordinary and special ballots cast through the close of voting at noon, 8 October 2022.

The 2022-2025 Councillors for the Otago Regional Council are:

Dunedin Constituency: Gretchen Robertson, Bryan Scott, Andrew Noone, Elliot Weir, Alan Somerville, and Tim Mepham

Dunstan Constituency:  Gary Kelliher, Alexa Forbes, and Michael Laws

Moeraki Constituency:  Kevin Malcolm

Molyneux Constituency:  Lloyd McCall and Kate Wilson

Return of electoral donations and expenses

Notes and definitions of donations and expenses:

  1. All candidates in elections held under the provisions of the Local Electoral Act 2001 must file a return of all electoral donations and expenses. If no donations were received or expenses incurred, a Nil return must be made.
  2. All candidates are required to keep proper records of donations received and expenses paid for election work. These do not have to be filed with this return but must be available to support enquiries about the return if required.
  3. Donations can be monetary or physical goods or services supplied or a combination thereof.
  4. Donations to a candidate of labour only or donations of goods and services that have a fair market value of $300 or less do not have to be declared - see S103A of the LEA 2001.
  5. Candidates must declare donations from each contributor that exceed $1500 in value. Where a contributor has made donations in instalments that sum to more than $1500 in value, each contributing donation needs to be listed in Section A2 and the aggregated sum shown.
  6. If there is insufficient space provided in any section, attach a separate sheet with the additional detail.


2022 declaration of election result

How and when to vote, and results for past local elections

Local elections are held every three years by postal vote.

Residents and other ratepayers in Otago have the chance to vote for 12 Councillors elected from four constituencies based on area using the First Past the Post (FPP) system.

These constituencies are Dunedin (six Councillors), Dunstan (three Councillors), Molyneux (two Councillors) and Moeraki (one Councillor).

View the constituency map

GIS interactive constituency map


The final result for the Otago Regional Council elections held on Saturday 8th October is as follows.

Anthony Morton Electoral Officer

Otago Regional Council 14 October 2022

2022 election candidate profiles

Voting for candidates in the 2022 Local Body Elections ended on 8 October 2022 at noon.

Here are profiles of the confirmed candidates for the ORC 2022 triennial elections. 

Tap or click the name to read the candidate profile.


Dunedin Constituency

Electing 6 regional councillors


Dunstan Constituency

Electing 3 regional councillors



Moeraki Constituency

Electing 1 regional councillor

Kevin Malcolm will be elected unopposed.


Molyneux Constituency

Electing 2 regional councillors



Candidate contact information

Candidate contact details


Final nominations list

Final nominations for 2022 local elections