At its 19 February 2025 meeting the Otago Regional Council agreed to consult with the Otago community on various changes to the current adopted Schedule of Fees and Charges.

The Council intends on deciding the Fees and Charges it will apply from 1 July 2025 following consideration of community feedback in late May. 

The schedule below shows, in separate columns, what is currently charged versus what is proposed.  Yellow highlighted figures and narrative indicate where change has occurred.   

Scale of Charges 

The following Scale of Charges is proposed to be applied where indicated to activities includes in this Schedule of Fees and Charges.

Charge  Current Proposed

Staff time per hour:



  • Management



  • Team Leader/Principal



  • Senior Technical



  • Technical



  • Field staff



  • Administration



  • Specialist Expert Services. For example: Science, Hazards or Engineering time.






Additional Site Notice






Vehicle use per kilometre

As per IRD Published Rates

As per IRD Published Rates

Harbourmaster vessel per hour



Travel and accommodation



Testing charges









Councillor Hearing fees per hour:



  • Chairperson



  • Member



  • Expenses



Resource Management Act – Section 36 Charges

Set out below are details of the amounts payable for those activities to be funded by fees and charges, as authorised by Section 36(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Resource Consent Application Fees

Note that the fees shown below are a deposit to be paid on lodgement of a consent application and applications for exemptions in respect of water measuring devices. The deposit will not usually cover the full cost of processing the application, and further actual and reasonable costs are incurred at the rate shown in the scale of charges. GST is included in all fees and charges. Costs for applications are typically invoiced at the end of process.

Pre-Application Work

We offer a pre-application service to help customers. The first 30 minutes of pre-application advice or review of application documents attracts no charge. We will always advise before we start charging for application advice. For larger pre-application projects we may invoice before, during, and after the process is complete. Fees payable for pre-application work carried out before a consent application is lodged with Council will be incurred at the rates shown in the scale of charges.

Deposits Current Proposed

Publicly Notified Deposits:3



Non-Notified and Limited
"Notification Deposits: 3

First consent




Subsequent consents



Other Application Types





Variation to Conditions – s127






Fixed Fees



Single Bore



Single farm dairy effluent storage and discharge to land



Single dairy effluent discharge to land



Small scale contaminated land disturbance



Exemption under regulation 7A of the Water Metering Regulations



Exemption under regulations 9 or 10 of the Water Metering Regulations   



Transfer consent holder and certificate







Per Note 2 below

Per Note 2 below

Payment for Commissioner request – s100A                                                  

Per Note 4 below

Per Note 4 below




Payment for Commissioner request – s357AB

Per Note 4 below

Per Note 4 below

Transfer of Consent Holder and Certificates Deposits



Priority Table



Certificate of Compliance



All Other Costs

As per Scale of Charges

As per Scale of Charges

Use of Consultants for resource consents

If ORC uses an external consultant for the processing of a consent, or to provide technical input into the application then the full actual and reasonable costs of the consultant is charged to the applicant. This may include instances where the applicant makes a request for urgency, the application involves complex and/or technical matters or a peer review is necessary. ORC will also charge the applicant for time spent managing the consultant. ORC will advise the applicant before engaging a consultant.

If ORC uses a consultant to commission a report under section 92(2) of the RMA, the full cost of the consultant is charged to the applicant.

Review of Consent Conditions

Following the granting of a consent, a subsequent review of consent conditions may be carried out at either the request of the consent holder, or as authorised under Section 128, as a requirement of Council. Costs incurred in undertaking reviews requested by the Consent Holder, or as authorised under Section 128 will be payable by the Consent Holder at the rates shown in the Scale of Charges above. 

Compliance Monitoring

Performance Monitoring

The following charges will apply to the review of performance monitoring reports for all consent holders, except those listed in ‘Fees for Specific Consent Holders’ section below. The charges shown are annual fixed fees per performance monitoring report or plan and are inclusive of GST.

Resource Consent Monitoring and Annual Administration Charges



One off compliance set up fee to be charged on all new applications 1st consent. Covers the cost of compliance monitoring systems. This is included in the consent deposit and fixed fees above and only to be charged if a deposit or fixed fee is not paid.



One off compliance set up fee to be charged on all new applications (subsequent consents) covers the cost of compliance monitoring systems. This is included in the consent deposit and fixed fees above and only to be charged if a deposit or fixed fee is not paid.



Ongoing compliance management fee to be charged on consents with Performance Monitoring requirements.



Late performance monitoring fee to be charged as required.



Annual Consent Compliance Monitoring Charges


Compliance monitoring charge for each other item due during the financial year (unless covered by one of the fees below) examples include management plans, provision of photos, bore logs, notifications, record of complaints, annual reports.



Annual charge for the receipt and processing of telemetered
water take data/information (including verifications returns)



Each additional telemetered water measuring device



Annual charge for the receipt and processing of manual and data logger water take data/information (including verification returns), excludes those who hold a WEX for the installation of telemetry.



Each additional non telemetered water measuring device



Annual charge for the receipt and processing of all returns relating to small/simple discharge consents.



Annual charge for the receipt and processing of all returns relating to medium/moderately complex discharge consents.



Annual charge for the receipt and processing of all returns relating to large/complex discharge consents.



Annual charge for the receipt and processing of all returns relating to simple/small earthworks consents.



Annual charge for the receipt and processing of all returns relating to standard/medium earthworks consents.



Annual charge for the receipt and processing of all returns relating to complex/large earthworks consents. Very large developments may be set up as major clients.



Inspection reports for small dams (RMA Consents)



Inspection reports for large dams (RMA Consents)



Structural integrity report



CMA Structure Permit (Annual Charge)





Low flow monitoring charges



Kakanui at Mc Cones



Fees for Specific Consent Holders

Performance monitoring will be charged as 100% of actual costs where applying the fixed charges listed above do not represent a fair and reasonable charge. This includes major consent holders who hold a large number of individual consents and/or consents which contain complex monitoring requirements. It also includes consents where data or information is consistently submitted in a way which generates significant extra costs for Council.

Additional charges may be incurred for new consents granted during the year.

Resource consent monitoring

Resource consent audits

Audits and site inspections for monitoring consents will be as follows:

Resource Consent Monitoring audit fee[1]                  



Coastal permit – structure



Coastal permit – mooring



Bore inspection



Small/simple on-site waste water discharge consent



Dairy Audit fee per inspection (note - to cover and replace dairy targeted rate)



[1] costs are charged on a per consent basis.

All other audits of resource consents will be charged at the actual and reasonable cost incurred using the Scale of Charges. This includes, but is not limited to:

·        Staff time to carry out an inspection (including travel), assess any information provided by consent holders, report back to consent holders and follow up any non-compliance (if required).

·        Any disbursements related to the monitoring, including sampling and testing costs and any specialist or technical advice needed.

Resource consent non-compliance

Where non-compliance with resource consent conditions is identified, all follow-up work and enforcement action related to the consent non-compliance will be charged at the Scale of Charges. For clarification, these costs are additional to the ‘resource consent audit’ costs above.

This includes, but is not limited to:

       Staff time to consider the non-compliance, prepare reports and correspondence, and any disbursements (eg sampling services, technical advice) related to consent non-compliance.

       Costs for generating and issuing enforcement notices.

       Inspections to determine compliance with an enforcement order or abatement notice to confirm that the required action has been taken and full compliance with the notice is achieved.

       Reactive site visits as a result of an incident notification (eg a complaint about water pollution or odour discharge), the consent holder is only charged if the consent is breached and non-compliance is observed.

       Costs for external consultants/contractors (actual charges)

Other Compliance Activities

The following activities will be charged at the actual and reasonable cost incurred, using the Scale of Charges:

·        Performance and compliance monitoring of permitted activities under a National Environmental Standard, including but not limited to Freshwater, Commercial Forestry and Storing Tyres Outdoors.

·        Monitoring compliance of farm operators with freshwater farm plan regulations and receiving notifications and audit reports of freshwater farm plans

·        Monitoring Compliance Certificates.

Non-Compliance, Incidents and Complaints

Pollution incidents and non-compliance with permitted activity rules

Where non-compliance with the RMA or permitted activity rules in Regional Plans or National Environment Standards is identified, the actual and reasonable costs and expenses incurred may be charged at the Scale of Charges. This includes, but is not limited to: 

•    Dealing with initial response to the pollution incident such as initial enquiries and site visit. 
•    Enforcement work including staff time for investigating, monitoring and reporting and any disbursements (e.g. sampling services and technical advice) related to the non-compliance. 
•    Costs of any actions required to avoid, remedy, or mitigate the adverse environmental effect, including the remediation and clean-up

Gravel Inspection and Management

Gravel extraction fee – $0.66 per cubic metre. Up to a maximum of $6,600 per consent per year.

Resource Monitoring

Water or air monitoring work carried out for external parties – Scale of Charges.


Private Plan Changes

Work carried out on privately initiated plan changes – Scale of Charges.

Building Act 2004 – Section 243 Charges

Dam Safety and Building Control

The following table of charges and deposits will apply to the Dam Safety and Building Control activity.






Issue of Certification of Acceptance (CoA)

Receive, process and grant or refuse applications for CoA


Scale of Charges plus MBIE/BRANZ levies where applicable*

Scale of Charges plus MBIE/BRANZ levies where applicable*

Project Information Memorandum (PIM) for a Dam

Receive, process and issue PIM applications


Scale of Charges

Scale of Charges

Dam Safety

Dangerous dams, earthquake -prone dams, and flood-prone dams – inspections and enforcement


Scale of Charges

Scale of Charges


Consider and approve (or refuse) dam classifications


Fixed Fee - $115

Fixed Fee - $115


Approve or refuse dam safety assurance programmes


Fixed Fee - $285

Fixed Fee - $285


Receive annual dam safety assurance programme compliance certificates



Fixed Fee - $60


Fixed Fee - $60

Notices to Fix (NTF)

Issue of NTF


Scale of Charges

Scale of Charges


Inspection(s) of building work under NTF


Scale of Charges

Scale of Charges

Any other activity under the Building Act


Scale of Charges

Scale of Charges

*Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) levies apply to COA applications where the estimated value of building work is greater than $20,000. The Otago Regional Council is required to collect these levies from the applicant on behalf of MBIE and BRANZ. The levies quoted are as required by regulation and may change in accordance with amendments made to regulations.  

Biosecurity Act – Section 135 Charges

Pest Management Strategy Implementation

Work carried out resulting from inaction of landowners not complying with Council’s Pest Management Strategy for Otago. The ‘Scale of Charges’ applies.

Review of Rabbit Control Programmes from non-compliant farms, and work associated with ensuring implementation of those programmes – Scale of Charges.

Local Government Act – Section 150 Charges

Transport Licensing Exempt Services

Apply to register or vary an existing registration - Scale of Charges; deposit payable of $575.

Bylaw Application Processing

Processing bylaw applications with the ‘Scale of Charges’ applying and deposit payable of $300.


Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act – Section 13 and Resource Management Act Section 36(1)

Information Requests

Information requests that require more than half an hour to respond to, and multiple copies of Council reports. The ‘Scale of Charges’ applies.


Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 – Section 88 Charges


A postponement fee to cover administration and financial costs may be charged on postponed rates – scale of charges.