Download the Stormwater Managment Chapter


The Stormwater Management chapter manages discharges of stormwater: rainwater and meltwater runoff from surfaces such as roofs, driveways, carparks, and roads. Urban areas, with numerous buildings and paved surfaces, face challenges because the water cannot permeate the ground, leading to potential flooding and contamination of the receiving environment – rivers, lakes, and the sea.  

The chapter manages discharges from: 

  • Reticulated stormwater networks; and 
  • Non-network stormwater discharges. 

These discharges have previously been managed by the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (Water Plan). Plan Change 8 (operative from 9 July 2022) improved the policy direction for stormwater by requiring progressive reduction of sewage overflows in stormwater, and measures to control the quantity and quality of stormwater to reflect current best practice, to contribute towards improving water quality in the Otago Region. 

This chapter does not manage stormwater from construction and earthworks, which is managed in the Earthworks chapter. 

Overview and key changes 

The table below provides a high-level comparison of the existing Water Plan provisions with those included in the draft Stormwater chapter and highlights the key changes from the Water Plan. 


Stormwater chapter of draft LWRP

Existing plan 

Network discharges

Key changes:

  • Owners/operators of reticulated stormwater systems will require a 5-year consent [controlled] to continue discharging stormwater from an existing reticulated system into water

  • Owner/operators of reticulated stormwater systems will have 5 years to map their network and put in place a monitoring programme before applying for a network consent [discretionary] 

  • Network consent conditions will require progressive network upgrades until water quality outcomes are met, as a matter of discretion 

  • Network consent conditions will require a stormwater management plan to manage the quality and quantity of stormwater being discharged, as a matter of discretion. 


It is permitted to discharge stormwater from a reticulated system to water, if: 

  • There is no sewage in the stormwater 

  • The discharge is not into a wetland 

  • The discharge does not cause flooding 

  • The discharge does not cause significant visual pollution. 
Non-network discharges 

Key changes: 

  • New rule framework will capture non-network discharges from roads, carparks, roofs, and any other modified surface 

  • The first permitted activity condition is that stormwater discharges must be connected to a stormwater network if there is one available 

  • Stormwater discharges are permitted if they do not 
    • cause flooding 

    • come from contaminated land

    • occur in a drinking water protection zone

    • come from land used for industrial or commercial activities 

    • exceed quality requirements 

    • Stormwater discharges which do not meet the permitted activity conditions above will require a discretionary consent. 

It is permitted to discharge stormwater from a road which is not connected to a stormwater system, if:  

  • the discharge does not cause flooding, erosion, or property damage 

  • the discharge does not cause significant visual pollution.