
Beds of Lakes and Rivers (Ch 9)

Managing all works in, on, over or under the beds of lakes and rivers, including selected activities in the riparian margin (the strip of land that runs alongside a waterway).

Please also refer to the general frequently asked questions.

Contaminated Land (Ch 10)


Please also refer to the general frequently asked questions.

Damming and diversion (Ch 11)

Managing dams, weirs, and diversions, including activities associated with their placement, maintenance, and removal.

Please also refer to the general frequently asked questions.

Earthworks, bores, and drilling (Ch 12)

Environmental flows and levels (Ch 13)

Farming and forestry (Ch 14)

Flood protection and drainage (Ch 15)

Other discharges (Ch 16)

Stormwater (Ch 17)

Waste and landfills (Ch 18)

Wastewater (Ch 19)

Wetlands (Ch 20)