Submissions closed 28 April 2024

The Consultation Document outlines key information from the Long-Term Plan. 

The Long-Term Plan sets the direction for Otago Regional Council and identifies key work programmes for the next 10 years. It includes information about what the proposed work will cost, how it would be funded and the impact on rates.

We want to build a stronger future for Otago and in preparing the draft plan, the Council looked at planned work and the outcomes we want to achieve — strong and resilient communities, partnering with mana whenua, protecting our environment, addressing climate change and providing public transport.

There is a significant focus on public transport and large-scale environmental project funding, as well as some changes to how rates are calculated are proposed.

Find out more about what is proposed by reading the Consultation Document. You can also find out what the proposed changes would mean for individual properties' rates by using the rates estimator. 

People were able to give feedback on the consultation document between 28 March to 28 April.  The next step is for people to make verbal submissions at hearings, followed by council deliberations. The timeframe is outlined in the timeline below. 


  • Consultation closed: 28 April 2024
  • Hearings held: 20-21 May
  • Deliberation (Council decides on final changes): 29-30 May
  • Long-Term Plan adopted: 26 June
  • Long-Term Plan takes effect: 1 July
  • Responses sent to submitters: Early July

Key information

Feedback on the proposed changes to the Long-Term Plan closed 28 April 2024. These are some of the highlighted information areas which were consulted on, and there is more information available in the whole Consultation Document. 

Community online session video recordings

Below is the video recording from the first Long-Term Plan 2024-2034 community online session.

Long-Term Plan community online session 9, April 2024

Long-Term Plan community online session 19, April 2024

Consultation Document

The Consultation Document outlines key information from the Long-Term Plan. 

Submissions received