On this webpage you will find below a table of appeals received to the Environment Court against the decision of the Otago Regional Council on the Non-Freshwater parts of the Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement 2021.

When appeals are received by the Otago Regional Council, they will be added to this webpage in the table below. 


Appeal Notice


Interested Parties


Court Minutes, Directions, Notices and Decisions

Status of Appeal

Otago Regional Council


Notice to Submitters

Memorandum from the ORC proposing directions Court Minute - Case Management N/A

Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections)

Notice of Appeal


Kāi Tahu

Queenstown Airport

    Appeal Lodged

Aurora Energy Limited, Network Waitaki Limited and PowerNet Limited

Notice of Appeal and Appendix 1-4


Director-General of Conservation

Dunedin City Council

Fish and Game

Forest and Bird

Kāi Tahu

Manawa Energy Limited

Meridian Energy Limited

New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)

Oceana Gold

Port Otago

Queenstown Lakes District Council

The Fuel Companies

Transpower New Zealand

Queenstown Airport

DCC- Application for waiver of time for filing section 274 notices

  Appeal Lodged

Cain Whanau

Notice of Appeal

Appendix B Submission

Appendix C IHP Report and Recommendations

Appendix D List of Submitters being served


Aurora Energy Limited, Network Waitaki Limited and PowerNet Limited

Forest and Bird

Forestry Submitters

Kāi Tahu

Meridian Energy Limited

Oceana Gold


Port Otago

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Transpower New Zealand


DCC- Application for waiver of time for filing section 274 notices   Appeal Lodged 

Dunedin City Council 

Notice of Appeal

Appendix 1 Original and Further Submissions by DCC

Annexure 2 Decisions on pORPS


Aurora Energy Limited, Network Waitaki Limited and PowerNet Limited

Forest and Bird

Forestry Submitters

Kāi Tahu

Oceana Gold

The Fuel Companies

Transpower New Zealand

Queenstown Airport


  Appeal Lodged 

Environmental Defence Society Incorporated (EDS)

Notice of Appeal


Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections)

Aurora Energy Limited, Network Waitaki Limited and PowerNet Limited

Beef + Lamb

Cain Whanau

Chorus New Zealand Limited, One New Zealand Group Limited and Spark New Zealand Trading Limited

Director-General of Conservation

Federated Farmers NZ

Fish and Game

Forest and Bird

Forestry Submitters

Kāi Tahu

Manawa Energy Limited

Meridian Energy Limited

New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)

Oceana Gold


Port Otago

Queenstown Lakes District Council

The Fuel Companies

Transpower New Zealand

Queenstown Airport

    Appeal Lodged

Forest & Bird 

Notice of Appeal

Appendix A - Council decisions

Appendix B - Hearing Panel Report

Appendix C - Address for Service

Appendix D - Submission

Appendix E - Further Submission


Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections)

Aurora Energy Limited, Network Waitaki Limited and PowerNet Limited

Beef + Lamb

Cain Whanau

Chorus New Zealand Limited, One New Zealand Group Limited and Spark New Zealand Trading Limited

Darby Asset Management LP

Director-General of Conservation

Falls Dam Irrigation

Federated Farmers NZ

Fish and Game

Forestry Submitters

Kāi Tahu

Manawa Energy Limited

Maniototo Irrigation Company

Manuherikia Catchment Group

Meridian Energy Limited

Mount Cardrona Station Village Limited

New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)

Oceana Gold


Port Otago

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Real Group Limited (RealNZ)

The Fuel Companies

Transpower New Zealand

Waitaki Irrigators Collective Limited

Dunedin City Council

Queenstown Airport

DCC- Application for waiver of time for filing section 274 notices   Appeal Lodged 

Forestry Submitters

Notice of Appeal


Director-General of Conservation

Dunedin City Council

Fish and Game 

Forest and Bird

Kāi Tahu

Meridian Energy Limited

Oceana Gold

DCC- Application for waiver of time for filing section 274 notices



Appeal Lodged

GlenPanel Limited Partnership

Notice of Appeal

Attachment A - Submission

Attachment B - Decision


Forest and Bird

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Waterfall Park Developments Limited

Dunedin City Council

Memorandum of counsel on behalf of Waterfall Park Developments Limited seeking waiver of time for filing s274 Notices

DCC- Application for waiver of time for filing section 274 notices


Appeal Lodged

Kāi Tahu

Notice of Appeal


Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections)

Aurora Energy Limited, Network Waitaki Limited and PowerNet Limited

Beef + Lamb

Cain Whanau

Director-General of Conservation

Falls Dam Irrigation

Federated Farmers NZ

Fish and Game

Forest and Bird

Forestry Submitters

Manawa Energy Limited

Maniototo Irrigation Company

Manuherikia Catchment Group

Oceana Gold


Port Otago

Queenstown Lakes District Council

The Fuel Companies

Transpower New Zealand

Waitaki Irrigators Collective Limited

Dunedin City Council

Queenstown Airport


  Appeal Lodged

Manawa Energy Limited

Notice of Appeal

Attachment A - Submission

Attachment B - Decision


Aurora Energy Limited, Network Waitaki Limited and PowerNet Limited

Chorus New Zealand Limited, One New Zealand Group Limited and Spark New Zealand Trading Limited

Director-General of Conservation

Fish and Game

Forest and Bird

Kāi Tahu

Meridian Energy Limited

Oceana Gold

Queenstown Lakes District Council



Appeal Lodged

Meridian Energy Limited

Notice of Appeal

Attachment 2 Submission of Meridian Energy Limited on the pORPS

Attachment 3 Further Submission of Meridian Energy on the pORPS


Director-General of Conservation

Fish and Game

Forest and Bird

Kāi Tahu

Manawa Energy Limited

Queenstown Lakes District Council

    Appeal Lodged

New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)

Notice of Appeal


Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections)

Aurora Energy Limited, Network Waitaki Limited and PowerNet Limited

Beef + Lamb

Director-General of Conservation

Federated Farmers NZ

Fish and Game

Forest and Bird

Forestry Submitters

Manawa Energy Limited

Meridian Energy Limited

Oceana Gold

Port Otago

The Fuel Companies

Transpower New Zealand

Queenstown Airport

    Appeal Lodged

Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited

Notice of Appeal by Oceana Gold on pORPS plus Appendix 1 and 2

Appendix 3 Submission by Oceana Gold on the pORPS

Appendix 4 Further Submission by Oceana Gold on the pORPS


Beef + Lamb

Director-General of Conservation

Fish and Game

Forest and Bird

Forestry Submitters

Kāi Tahu

Manawa Energy Limited

Meridian Energy Limited


Queenstown Lakes District Council

Transpower New Zealand

Waterfall Park Developments Limited

Queenstown Airport

Memorandum of counsel on behalf of Waterfall Park Developments Limited seeking waiver of time for filing s274 Notices   Appeal Lodged

Port Otago Limited

Notice of Appeal

Annexures 1-3

Application for Directions as to Service


Oceana Gold

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Dunedin City Council

DCC- Application for waiver of time for filing section 274 notices   Appeal Lodged

Queenstown Airport Corporation Limited

Notice of Appeal


Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections)

Aurora Energy Limited, Network Waitaki Limited and PowerNet Limited

Beef + Lamb

Chorus New Zealand Limited, One New Zealand Group Limited and Spark New Zealand Trading Limited

Director-General of Conservation

Fish and Game

Forest and Bird

Kāi Tahu

Queenstown Lakes District Council

The Fuel Companies

Transpower New Zealand

Dunedin City Council


    Appeal Lodged

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC)

Notice of Appeal


Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections)

Chorus New Zealand Limited, One New Zealand Group Limited and Spark New Zealand Trading Limited

Darby Asset Management LP

Forestry Submitters

Kāi Tahu

Meridian Energy Limited

New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)

Oceana Gold

Port Otago

Real Group Limited (RealNZ)

Transpower New Zealand

Waterfall Park Developments Limited

Queenstown Airport

Memorandum of counsel on behalf of Waterfall Park Developments Limited seeking waiver of time for filing s 274 Notices

DCC- Application for waiver of time for filing section 274 notices

  Appeal Lodged

Real Group Limited (RealNZ)

Notice of Appeal


Darby Asset Management LP

Forestry Submitters

Meridian Energy Limited

Mount Cardrona Station Village Limited 

NZ Ski Limited

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Waterfall Park Developments Limited

Memorandum of counsel on behalf of Waterfall Park Developments Limited seeking waiver of time for filing s 274 Notices   Appeal Lodged

The Fuel Companies (BP Oil NZ Limited, Mobil Oil NZ Limited, Z Energy Limited) 

Notice of Appeal

Annexure A Submission on pORPS

Annexure A Further Submission on pORPS


Port Otago

Queenstown Airport

    Appeal Lodged

Transpower New Zealand Limited

Notice of Appeal

Attachment 2.1 IHP Recommendation Report

Attachment 2.2 PORPS Tracked Changes Updated

Attachment 3 Submission 3 September 2021

Attachment 4 Submission 12 November 2021

Attachment 5 Address for Service Table 


Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections)

Aurora Energy Limited, Network Waitaki Limited and PowerNet Limited

Beef + Lamb

Director-General of Conservation

Fish and Game

Forest and Bird

Forestry Submitters

Kāi Tahu

Manawa Energy Limited

Meridian Energy Limited

New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)

Oceana Gold

Queenstown Lakes District Council

The Fuel Companies

    Appeal Lodged



You will find a list of Submitters and Address/es for Service below.

Note: If your contact details appear to be incorrect or there has been an update, please advise hearingsadministrator@orc.govt.nz.

Document Updated 21.05.2024

List of Submitters and Address for Service