ORC has a vision for a low-emissions Otago with resilient ecosystems, communities and businesses. Is this your vision too?

ORC Chairperson Gretchen Robertson says ORC has a vision for a low emissions Otago which is resilient to the impacts of climate change and encourages the public to join in the discussion.

“We want to know if our vision aligns with yours. Is a changing climate of concern to you and have greenhouse gas emissions and changing climate influenced your choices when it comes to things like travel, transport, your purchases, business decisions and where you want to live?” she says.

Councillor Robertson says that the survey will seek feedback on Council’s draft mitigation and adaptation goals and whether we could be doing more. The results will help shape a plan aimed at enhancing the social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of Otago’s communities.

“It’ll help us stay proactive and closely aligned with the communities we serve, as we build resilience and navigate a changing environment and climate together.”

The survey opens August 26 and closes on 6 October, an extended period which will allow time for feedback from the rural sector involved in the busy lambing season, she says.

To achieve this vision, ORC is developing a Strategic Climate Action Plan.

The survey opens Monday 26 August and closes Sunday 6 October 2024

Strategic Climate Action Plan 2024-2034

The plan sets a long-term vision, with some 10-year goals and provides a plan of action for Otago Regional Council. We will be collaborating with other organisations, businesses and communities from across Otago to best achieve these goals.

We want to hear from you about your climate action priorities and what you think about the draft plan. You can do this by reading the draft plan, then completing the questionnaire below. 


Action already underway

Some of the work ORC already does to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and help our communities adapt to the impacts of climate change includes providing public transport services and working jointly with Dunedin City Council on a plan for the future of South Dunedin.

Please read the draft Strategic Climate Action Plan 2024-2034 to see all the action currently underway in more detail. 

Read the draft plan

Give your feedback