The RLTP is a legislative document that sets out our objectives and policies for the transport network in our regions. Our RLRP contains 30-year strategic objectives, 10-year headline targets and 10-year investment plans, our 10-year headline targets are:

  • Road fatalities – reduce seriousness and impact of road trauma
  • Mode shift – increase in journey to work and school by public transport, walking and cycling
  • Network resilience -reduced number and duration of closures on the strategic road network
  • Reduced emissions – decreased transport emissions
  • Proactive response – increase programme investment levels

The purpose of the 10-year investment plans are to secure funding from the National Land Transport Fund to invest projects which are important to the communities of Otago. This includes investment in public transport in Dunedin and Queenstown, investment in the State Highway network by NZ Transport Agency – Waka Kotahi and the investment plans of the individual Councils of Otago region WDC, DCC, BDC, CODC and QLDC. The next National Land Transport Plan with be announced on the 1st September 2024.

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