We are developing a Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) in partnership with Kāi Tahu whānui, and with feedback from the greater Otago community.
Join the kōrero on the proposed direction of the Plan to care for Otago's lakes, rivers and streams and guide the activities that impact them.
We have a summary of proposed new rules and regulations that we encourage you to look over.
Under national legislation, regional councils must manage waterways at an appropriate scale for setting freshwater objectives and limits.
We have set five Freshwater Management Units (FMUs) and divided the Clutha/Mata-Au FMU into five rohe (areas) as it is the largest river in the country, by catchment and volume.
The Lower Clutha Rohe covers over 4,000 square kilometres. It has the Pomahaka catchment and several other river catchments that feed the Clutha/Mata-au including the Waitahuna, Waiwera, Tuapeka and Waitahuna catchments, and smaller tributaries.
The rohe also includes Lake Tuakitoto, a small shallow lake with an adjoining wetland of a type now rare in Otago.
The Clutha/Mata-au River is important in Kāi Tahu traditions and history, and mana whenua have an ongoing relationship with wāhi tupuna (landscapes and places that embody the relationship of mana whenua and their culture and traditions) and mahika kai (the gathering of foods and other resources, the places where they are gathered, and the practices used to gather them) values. The river and its tributaries supported seasonal settlements and plentiful mahika kai. The Pomahaka River was important for people settled in the Catlins and Tautuku areas, and the coastal area at the mouth of the Mata-au/Clutha River offered a bounty of mahika kai, including eeling and harvest of other freshwater fish in lagoons and up the river.
Lower Clutha includes the townships of Lawrence, Tapanui, Clinton and Balclutha. The Otago goldrush began in Gabriel’s Gully near Lawrence, and the rohe still contains reminders of its mining past. The gold rush, the history of agriculture, and coal mining in Kaitangata provide the area with many heritage sites.
We are developing a Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) in partnership with Kāi Tahu whānui, and with feedback from the greater Otago community.
Join the kōrero on the proposed direction of the Plan to care for Otago's lakes, rivers and streams and guide the activities that impact them.
We have a summary of proposed new rules and regulations that we encourage you to look over.
Read all about the draft Plan and the proposed new rules and regulations:
As of 2018, the Lower Clutha Rohe had approximately 12,000 residents (5% of the population in Otago and around three people/km2). This was an increase of around 200 people (or 1%) from 11,800 residents in 2006. The growth rate in the Lower Clutha Rohe is lower than that of the Otago region (+16%). Just under half of the residents live rurally, around a third live in Balclutha, and the rest of the population (approximately 20%) lives in four service centres of Tapanui, Kaitangata, Benhar-Stirling and Lawrence.
The local economy in the Lower Clutha Rohe relies heavily on water resources for primary production and primary goods processing. In 2020, the largest employment industries were primary and associated food manufacturing industries, which together provided more than half of all jobs in the rohe. Water is used to grow and dispose of food, and to dispose of the associated waste. Tourism-related industries are relatively small compared to other parts of Otago. They consist of retail trade (6% of all jobs), accommodation and food services (4%), and arts and recreation services (0.4%).
It is important to understand Māori history and the Māori economy when developing policy and assessing its impact. Pre-European Māori history shapes today’s Aotearoa, and the Māori economy is integral to the national economic system. ORC is partnering with Aukaha and Te Ao Marama to develop an overview of Kāi Tahu history and economy.
The most common land cover is high-producing grassland where a lot of the intensive agriculture occurs.
Dry stock farming consists mainly of pasture grazing beef cattle, sheep, and deer for meat, wool, and velvet production. While dry stock farming has decreased by 9%, it still remains the main land use in the Lower Clutha area and accounts for 56% of the rohe. 41% is sheep and beef; 7% mixed sheep, beef, and deer; and 8% sheep farming.
Dairy farming occurs on approximately 17% of land and has notably increased by 37% between 1990 and 2018.
Forestry has increased by 39% between 1990 and 2018 and now covers 9% of the rohe. Lower Clutha is about 7% conservation estate which has increased by 40% in the last 30 years.
Soil types include Brown, Melanic, Gley, Pallic, Recent, Organic, Anthropic and Podzols. Brown and Pallic soils are the main soil types and cover 45% and 42% of the rohe. Sheep and beef farming uses a large area of the Lower Clutha and is on high-producing exotic grasslands on Brown and Pallic soils.
Melanic soils cover 5% of the rohe and occur on ranges in parts of the Kaihiku stream, Pomahaka and Waiwera river catchments. Gley soils occur on 3% of the rohe, on alluvial deposits in lower areas.
The most significant water feature in the Lower Clutha Rohe is the Clutha/Mata-Au River, which flows to the coast and into the Pacific Ocean downstream of Balclutha. The Clutha/Mata-Au River is the largest by area and flow and is the second longest river in New Zealand. The Roxburgh power station highly modifies the flows between Roxburgh and Balclutha.
The headwater catchments of Lakes Wānaka, Whakatipu and Hāwea cover just 34% of the total Clutha/Mata-Au catchment area but generate 75% of the Clutha Mata-Au flow measured at Balclutha.
The Clutha Mata-Au has many tributaries in this rohe. The largest is the Pomahaka catchment which covers about 60% of the rohe area.
The Pomahaka can significantly affect the flows at Balclutha when it floods. About one-third of the water used in this rohe is in the Pomahaka catchment.
Water quality in the Lower Clutha rohe is generally degraded with high bacteria, high nutrient concentrations and poor water clarity. High-intensity agriculture is the main land use, and drainage via tile and mole drains has been a significant source of water contamination. ORC monitors water quality and ecology of rivers, streams, and lakes. The combined results can show the health of a water body, and analysis of long-term data shows trends in water quality over time.
Fourteen of 15 river sites we monitor for bacterial water quality failed to meet the required standard for E. coli, an indicator of faecal bacteria. About half of the river sites in this rohe did not meet the required standard for suspended fine sediment, which indicates water clarity.
Five sites had substantially elevated dissolved phosphorus concentrations. 25% of the sites monitored had degraded aquatic insect life. Lake Tuakitoto did not meet the national bottom line for chlorophyll-a (algae) and nutrients (concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus).
The 20-year analysis showed degrading trends for rivers at most sites, particularly for nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). Our 10-year analysis indicated improving trends for most parameters across most sites in the rohe. Ten-year trends for Lake Tuakitoto show a degrading trend for phosphorus but improving trends for E. coli and suspended solids (water clarity).
LAWA Macroinvertebrate Community Index
Lower Clutha Rohe Water Quality State and Trends Technical Report
The Lower Clutha rohe contains the Pomahaka alluvial ribbon aquifer and the Inch Clutha gravel aquifer, which straddles the Lower Clutha rohe and the Catlins FMU.
The Inch Clutha gravel aquifer is found in the 130km2 Clutha Mata-Au delta, an alluvial deposit-filled valley formed by interactions between the Clutha/Mata-Au River and historical sea level fluctuations. The aquifer is a potentially significant resource for groundwater, given its size and thickness, but generally, groundwater use is low. ORC monitoring shows that the groundwater here has high ammonia and naturally occurring arsenic compared to the NZ Drinking Water Standards (DWSNZ, 2018; ORC, 2021).
The Quaternary alluvium consists of gravels, sands, silts, mud and peat. This complex geology means that permeability and connections with surface water vary across the Inch Clutha aquifer. We have recently installed groundwater monitoring bores to enable us to better understand the groundwater levels and monitor for saline intrusion into freshwater aquifers.
Our bore log data indicates the water table is shallow, less than three metres in places on the flood plain, and four to six metres on elevated terraces. The Inch Clutha area has a network of drains and pumps, which lower the water table on cultivatable land and lessen the flood hazard.
The Pomahaka alluvial ribbon aquifer is a series of narrow areas that follow the Pomahaka River from the upper Kelso basin to the lower Clydevale sub-basin. The gravels of the Pomahaka alluvial ribbon aquifer occur along gravel boundaries deposited by the Pomahaka River. The aquifer connects to the Pomahaka River, so groundwater bores within the ribbon aquifer are assigned to surface water.
Groundwater is often taken from fractured rock across the rohe, especially in the Pomahaka basins and into the Catlins FMU. This water resource is not mapped as an aquifer but is a locally important water source, particularly for stock water and servicing dairy sheds.
The Lower Clutha rohe is home to rare and threatened ecosystems and species. The vulnerable ecosystems include ephemeral wetlands, estuaries and wetlands. These ecosystems contribute enormously to national biodiversity, but are often threatened by processes such as land use change and invasive species. In many cases, we know little about the extent and/or condition of these ecosystems.
The Lower Clutha rohe has many species that depend on freshwater habitats and ecosystems, including fishes, invertebrates, plants and birds. We have identified 32 threatened freshwater-dependent species in the rohe. Threatened freshwater fishes are the Clutha flathead galaxias, gollum galaxias, Pomahaka galaxias, dusky galaxias and lamprey.
Freshwater invertebrates are koura and mussels, a threatened moth, caddisfly and stoneflies. Carex strictissima and Ranunculus ternatifolius are examples of threatened freshwater-dependent plants found here.
Many native birds depend on freshwater ecosystems, permanently or as mobile residents, including the threatened Australasian bittern, the threatened black-fronted tern and the at-risk black-billed gull. We lack information for many species, particularly for freshwater invertebrates, non-vascular plants, and algae.
Exotic fishes are goldfish, perch and four salmonids. Many native freshwater species are under threat, and their numbers continue to decline.
There are 28 sites in the rohe recognised as Regionally Significant Wetlands in the Regional Plan – Water for Otago (RPW). These are classified as swamp (12 sites), marsh (7), fen (6), and bog (2). These wetlands are found within five areas: Inch Clutha, Kaitangata, Clinton, Tapanui, and Lawrence.
On the seaward end of Inch Clutha, is the Molyneux Bay Swamp (150 hectares) which is a lagoon with swamp-edged fingers. Also in the Inch Clutha area is the Clutha/Mata-Au River Mouth Lagoon (29 hectares), an elongated water body with marsh margins; and the Clutha Matau Wetlands (21 hectares), a river-margin swamp.
Further upriver, the Culcairn Oxbow Marsh (8 hectares) is a curved pond of a former oxbow channel, marsh-fringed, in farmland. Finegand Lagoon Marsh (6 hectares), south of Balclutha, is a stream pond with willows and rush marshes.
Lake Tuakitoto Wetland (546 hectares) is located near Kaitangata. It is a shallow lowland lake bordered by sedge grass, rush swamp but with many crack willows. Smaller wetlands occupy fingers of stream valleys, as rush marshes, some with ponds and willows, or swamps with flax, shrubs, and red tussock. These smaller wetlands include the Frasers Stream Headwaters Marsh Complex (26 hectares); Stirling Marsh Complex (11 hectares); Camp Stream Swamp (8 hectares); Two Stone Hill Stream Swamp (5 hectares); and East Benhar Swamp (2 hectares).
Wetland sites in the Clinton district are remnants of former copper tussock country, which are the boggiest sites. These typically contain copper tussock, wire rush, sphagnum moss, sedge grasses, some heathland and coprosma shrubland. These wetlands are all on farms: Dunvegan Fen Complex (87 hectares); Three Stones Fen Complex (58 hectares); Hazeldale Fens (10 hectares); and Willowburn Bog (four hectares), where silver birch trees behave as weeds in the peatland. Macfarlane Road Oxbow Swamp (two hectares) and Marana Swamp (two hectares) are small, isolated hollows with ponds and willows.
To the east of the Blue Mountains, John O’Groats Hill Fen (22 hectares) and Blackcleugh Burn Swamp (three hectares) have red tussock wetlands on valley flats. The tops of the Blue Mountains, at around 900m altitude, have sphagnum moss and cushion bogs, but these are not currently listed in the RPW.
Farmland near Tapanui is home to three small marshes: the Clifton Hill Marshes (four hectares) with copper tussock, the Pomahaka River Oxbow Marshes, Dalvey (four hectares) and Koi Creek (two hectares), both with ponds and willows.
North of Lawrence, Bungtown Bog (28 hectares) is a bog with sphagnum moss, wire rush and bog pine – part of it is scientific reserve. Glendhu Swamp (22 hectares) has valley floor copper tussock, while Malones Dam Margins (two hectares) has a small swamp at one end.
In the north of the rohe, there are more upland wetlands (cushion bogs, snowbanks, sedge grass fens), which are not currently listed in the RPW. These are found in the headwaters of the Pomahaka by the Umbrella Range.
The Clutha/Mata-Au River has a tidal mouth where it joins the sea. The water at the river mouth is mostly freshwater as it is flushed regularly by the river. This regular flushing lowers the risk of contaminants building up and settling on the estuary bed where they can cause algal blooms.
Because most fine sediments and nutrients are flushed out to sea, no estuary nutrient modelling has been done and no limits/attributes can be measured or set for the river/coast interface.
This summary provides an overview of the provisions relating to the Lower Clutha Rohe (area). This includes environmental outcomes, target attribute states and area-specific rules and limits. The rules and limits are in addition to those in the region-wide rules covered in the other summaries.
If you are unsure of any particular terms, there is a glossary of terms.
Download the Lower Clutha Rohe Chapter
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In its new Land and Water Regional Plan ORC must set environmental outcomes for the freshwater values identified in the Lower Clutha Rohe. An environmental outcome statement describes the desired future state that communities in the Lower Clutha Rohe and tangata whenua would like to see for a specific value.
The environmental outcome statements are very similar across all FMUs and rohe in Otago, which reflects the fact that the aspirations that tangata whenua and the different communities have for the environment are largely consistent across the region. Table 1 sets out the draft environmental outcomes for the Lower Clutha Rohe.
Value |
Environmental Outcomes for Lower Clutha rohe |
Attributes to measure and monitor
NPS-FM compulsory values (apply to every FMU/rohe) |
Ecosystem health |
Freshwater bodies support healthy freshwater ecosystems with thriving habitats for a range of indigenous species, and the life stages of those species, that would be expected to occur naturally. |
Rivers: Ammonia Nitrate Suspended fine sediment E. Coli Dissolved reactive phosphorus Periphyton Macroinvertebrates (MCI/ASPM) Fish IBI E. Coli primary contact sites Macroinvertebrates (QMCI) score*¹ Deposited fine sediment* Dissolved oxygen* Ecosystem metabolism* Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Ammonia Cyanobacteria* Submerged plants (natives)* Submerged plants (invasive)* Lake-bottom dissolved oxygen* Mid-hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen* |
Human contact |
Water bodies are clean and safe for human contact activities and support the health of people and their connections with water bodies. |
Rivers: E. Coli Suspended fine sediment Periphyton E. Coli primary contact sites Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Cyanobacteria (Biovolume cubic millimetres per litre)* |
Threatened species |
The freshwater habitats of threatened species are protected and support the persistence and recovery of threatened species over time. |
All the attributes listed for Ecosystem Health above. Recency of presence National conservation category and status Regional conservation category and status Number of sub-populations |
Mahika kai (food and resource gathering) |
Mahika kai resources are restored to a condition in which populations of valued mahika kai species are self-sustaining and plentiful enough to support cultural take. Mana whenua are able to safely access, harvest and use these resources now and in the future. |
All the attributes listed for Ecosystem Health above.
Other values (apply to every FMU/rohe) |
Natural form and character |
Freshwater bodies and their riparian margins, and any connected receiving environment including any estuaries and hāpua (lagoon) are able to behave in a way that reflects their natural form and character to the greatest extent practicable, and the natural form and function of unmodified water bodies is protected. |
Rivers: Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Macroinvertebrates (QMCI) score* Deposited fine sediment* Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Cyanobacteria* Submerged plants (natives)* Submerged plants (invasive)* Lake-bottom dissolved oxygen* Mid-hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen* |
Drinking water supply |
Provided the health and wellbeing needs of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems are met, source water from water bodies (after treatment) is safe and reliable for the drinking water supply needs of the community. Activities do not introduce or increase the concentration of contaminants in water, so that, after existing treatment, it no longer meets drinking water standards |
Wāhi tūpuna (sites of significance to iwi) |
Cultural associations with wāhi tūpuna are maintained, visible, and whānau are able to access, use and relate to wāhi tūpuna now and in the future. |
Fishing |
Fish are safe to eat; and Insofar as it is consistent with the protection of indigenous and threatened species, the spawning and juvenile rearing waters for trout and salmon are provided for. |
Rivers: E. Coli Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Nitrate Suspended fine sediment Macroinvertebrates (MCI/ASPM) Fish IBI Macroinvertebrates (QMCI) score* Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Cyanobacteria (Biovolume cubic millimetres per litre)* |
Irrigation, cultivation and production of food and beverages |
Provided the health and wellbeing of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems and human health needs are met, the cultivation and production of food, beverages and fibre is enabled. |
Rivers: Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Water quantity |
Wetlands |
Wetlands are protected, and their ecosystem health, indigenous biodiversity, and hydrological functioning is restored where degraded. |
Information available soon. |
Taoka species (treasured species) |
Thriving, connected habitats for indigenous species are restored and sustained for ever and their mauri is intact. |
Information available soon.
Values that apply to specific FMU |
Commercial and industrial use |
Provided the health and wellbeing of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems and human health needs are met, commercial and industrial activities are enabled. |
Rivers: Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Water quantity
Hydro-electric power generation |
Existing hydro-electric generation activities are developed, operated, maintained and upgraded in a way that meets the environmental outcomes to the greatest extent practicable. |
Information available soon. |
¹*Asterisk indicates that the baseline state of these compulsory attributes is not known, but monitoring is now being undertaken.
Attributes are indicators that we can measure and monitor. Attributes tell us about the state of a river or lake. A target attribute state (TAS) is the state that an attribute must achieve to make sure that an environmental outcome is met. The timeframe for achieving the TAS for each FMU is set by the environmental outcomes for the FMU. For the Lower Clutha rohe, the environmental outcomes are to be achieved by 2045. By monitoring attributes and comparing their baseline state with their TAS we learn how well how well we are on track towards achieving the environmental outcomes for this FMU or rohe.
While the environmental outcome statements are largely consistent across Otago, baseline states and TAS are usually specific to each FMU and rohe. Attributes for each value and baseline states for those attributes have been identified along with trends derived from the Otago Regional Council's State of the Environment (SoE) monitoring data.
The baseline state and TAS for the Lower Clutha rohe are in the map below.
Zoom into an area and view the various locations of proposed monitoring sites in an area(s).
Select the yellow dot representing a proposed monitoring site to see the Target Attribute States.
You can further select the Target Attribute States table to view a larger version of the table.
(Note: If you are on a mobile device, tap on the arrow next to the 'X' icon for the table to show.)
National direction requires Council to set limits as rules or action plans (as appropriate) to achieve the environmental outcomes. This can be done at a region-wide level or at FMU/rohe level. The draft region-wide rules are set out in different briefing papers, including the briefing papers Primary Production, Wastewater, Stormwater, Earthworks, Water Quantity and various others. However, for the Lower Clutha rohe a number of specific rules are proposed that are needed to make sure the environmental outcomes for this rohe are achieved overtime. These additional rules, which will be included in the Lower Clutha rohe chapter of the new Land and Water Regional Plan, are shown in the table below.
Contaminants of concern |
Draft LWRP |
The Lower Clutha rohe chapter will also include take limits and environmental flows and levels for rivers, lakes and aquifers in this Rohe.
Take limits reflect the total quantity of water that can be taken, dammed or diverted from a stream, river, lake or aquifer. Once the combined rate of take for all consented water takes, diversion or damming activities from a water body matches this take limit no further water can be allocated in new consents.
Environmental flows (for rivers or streams) or environmental levels (for lakes and aquifers) include minimum flows or levels that when reached all consented (and some permitted) takes, diversions and damming activities must cease. These restrictions on water taking, diversions or damming activities typically occur during dry periods and are needed to make sure after important values, such as threatened fish, drinking water supply or mahika kai (food and resource gathering) values, are looked after.
Environmental levels and take limits for lakes in the Lower Clutha FMU’s are shown in the table below.
It is proposed that a narrative take limit is set for Gem Lake. This limit will prohibit any new takes, damming or diversions that could impact water levels in this lake (except for takes that are permitted under the Resource Management Act 1991 and will ensure that these lakes will continue to behave in their natural or near natural state.
Lake Tuakitoto will continue to be managed in accordance with its current levels, while any takes from this lake will be subject to the take limits that apply to the wider Lake Tuakitoto/Lovells Creek catchment.
Controlled lakes and reservoirs in the rohe, such as Greys Dam and Hawkers Dam, will be subject to the minimum environmental flow and take limits take limits that apply to the river catchments within which these are located.
Name |
Environmental level(s) |
Take limit (l/s) |
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
Natural lakes (unmodified) |
Gem Lake |
Natural minimum water level |
Narrative - no new taking, diversions, damming or discharges from the lake or upper catchment |
No |
Natural lakes (with environmental levels and take limits) |
Lake Tuakitoto |
Existing levels |
Subject to the Lake Tuakitoto catchment take limit |
No |
Controlled lakes |
Greys Dam (Tuapeka River catchment) Malones Dam (Tuapeka River catchment) Milburns Pond/Victoria Dam (Tuapeka River catchment) Phoenix Dam (Tuapeka River catchment) |
Lake levels managed by the minimum flow of the Tuapeka river
Subject to the take limit of the Tuapeka river catchment |
Yes |
Hawkers Dam (Waitahuna River catchment) |
Minimum flow for Waitahuna River catchment |
Subject to the take limit of Waitahuna River catchment |
Yes |
Environmental flows and take limits for rivers in the Lower Clutha rohe are shown in the table below.
Bespoke limits will be set for Poumāhaka river and Waiwera river following technical recommendations. For smaller rivers with mean flow of 5,000 l/s or less, a total take limit is set as 20% of the 7-day Mean Annual Low Flow (7-day MALF) of these rivers. The 7-day MALF is a flow statistic that provides an indication of how low the flow gets in a typical year. For the Waitahuna River, which is a larger river with a mean flow of more than 5,000 l/s, a larger take limit will be set at 30% of the 7-day MALF. For some bespoke catchments where a transition may be needed to achieve the environmental outcomes of the catchment and phase out over-allocation it is proposed to set a common consent duration expiry date for any new consent granted under the pLWRP framework, the proposed common catchment date for rivers where this will apply in Lower Clutha rohe is 2031.
Restrictions on consented and some permitted water takes, diversions and damming activities in catchments of smaller rivers or streams are triggered when recorded or observed flows are at 90% of the 7-day MALF. For the Waitahuna river these restrictions don’t kick in until recorded or observed flows are at 80% of the 7-day MALF.
Table 4 provides estimates of the actual minimum flows and take limits for different catchments based on the default method using the best available information to determine the 7-day MALF of each catchment. The numeric minimum flows and take limits will not be included in the LWRP. Instead, the LWRP will refer to the relevant % of 7-day MALF.
Name | Environmental flow (l/s) | Take limit (l/s) | Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
River catchments with a mean flow ≤ 5,000 l/s and managed by default limits
Allangrange (N) |
1 |
0 |
No |
Allangrange (S) |
4 |
1 |
Yes |
Balmoral Stream |
189 |
42 |
Yes |
Barnego Creek |
218 |
48 |
Yes |
Blackcleugh Burn |
750 |
167 |
Yes |
Blairvale Road Creek (1) |
199 |
44 |
Yes |
Blairvale Road Creek (2) |
174 |
39 |
Yes |
Bullock Creek |
103 |
23 |
Yes |
Bush Road Creek (1) |
155 |
34 |
Yes |
Bush Road Creek (2) |
484 |
107 |
Yes |
Camp Creek (2) |
274 |
61 |
Yes |
Camp Creek (3) |
310 |
69 |
Yes |
Carsons Creek |
813 |
181 |
Yes |
Clydevale Creek |
0 |
0 |
No |
Crook Burn (1) |
168 |
37 |
Yes |
Flynn Road Stream |
202 |
45 |
Yes |
Hall Road Creek |
0 |
0 |
No |
Home Gully Stream |
157 |
35 |
Yes |
Island Rock Creek |
689 |
153 |
Yes |
Jimmys Creek |
192 |
43 |
Yes |
Kaihiku Stream |
182 |
40 |
Yes |
Low Burn |
545 |
121 |
Yes |
Pannetts Road Creek |
0 |
0 |
No |
Port Creek |
205 |
46 |
Yes |
The Wash Stream |
147 |
33 |
Yes |
Toiro river |
166 |
37 |
Yes |
Tuapeka River |
421 |
93 |
Yes |
Waitepeka River |
194 |
43 |
Yes |
River catchments with a mean flow > 5,000 l/s and managed by default limits
Waitahuna River |
479 |
179 |
Yes |
River catchments managed by bespoke limits | |||
Environmental flow (l/s) | Take limit (l/s) |
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
Poumāhaka river at Burkes Ford |
3,170 |
700 |
No |
Poumāhaka tributary – Waipahi at Waipahi |
490 |
110 |
No |
Waiwera river |
210 |
46 |
No |
Environmental levels and take limits for aquifers identified in the Lower Clutha rohe are shown in the table below.
Given its close connection to the river, taking water from the Pomahaka Alluvial Ribbon Aquifer is to subject to the take limit and minimum flow set for the Poumāhaka river catchment.
The take limit for the Inch Clutha Gravel Aquifer is set as a proportion (35%) of the mean annual recharge of that aquifer. National direction requires Otago Regional Council also to set environmental levels for aquifers. As the Otago Regional Council currently does not have sufficient groundwater level monitoring data to set environmental levels for the Inch Clutha Gravel Aquifer in the Land and Water Regional Plan when notified, these levels will be set at a later date.
Table 6 provides estimates of the actual takes limit for aquifers based on the default method using the best available information to determine the aquifers’ Mean Annual Recharge (MAR). The numeric take limits will not be included in the LWRP. Instead, the LWRP will refer to the relevant % of the MAR.
Name |
Environmental level(s) |
Take limit ) (volume in m3/year) |
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
Aquifers with default limits
Inch Clutha Gravel Aquifer |
Not required to be included in the new LWRP at this time |
Yes |
Alluvial ribbon aquifers |
Poumāhaka Alluvial Ribbon Aquifer |
Groundwater level managed by minimum flow Poumāhaka
Subject to take limit for Poumāhaka river (tbc)
No |
Outstanding water bodies are water bodies that have one or more outstanding values. National direction requires the Otago Regional Council to identify outstanding water bodies and protect their important values. The table below lists the outstanding water bodies in this rohe and describes their outstanding values.
Below is a map featuring all the water bodies in Otago.
You can zoom in and view the various water bodies in an area(s).
Water bodies are shown in a blue colour. Select an area to view the water body name.
(Note: if you are on a mobile device, after selecting a water body, tap on the arrow next to the 'X' icon to view more information.)
Unique identifier |
Site identifier |
Values and characteristics |
Ecology |
ECL19 |
Waipahī River |
ECL20 |
Roto-nui-a-Whatu/Lake Tuakitoto Wetland |
Physical |
None identified. |
Recreation |
REC48 |
Clutha River / Mata-au (below Roxburgh) |
Natural character |
NAT24 |
Umbrella Mountains |
Active bed
NAT25 |
Blue Mountains |
Active bed
Natural features and landscapes |
LAN54 |
Upper Pomāhaka River |
Contact your rohe's Catchment Advisor for advice and assistance on sustainable land management practices that protect Otago’s waterways.
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