We are developing a Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) in partnership with Kāi Tahu whānui, and with feedback from the greater Otago community.
Join the kōrero on the proposed direction of the Plan to care for Otago's lakes, rivers and streams and guide the activities that impact them.
We have a summary of proposed new rules and regulations that we encourage you to look over.
Read all about the draft Plan and the proposed new rules and regulations:
Under national legislation, regional councils must manage waterways at an appropriate scale for setting freshwater objectives and limits.
We have set five Freshwater Management Units (FMUs) and have divided the Clutha/Mata-Au FMU into five rohe (areas) as it is the largest river in the country, by catchment and volume.
The Roxburgh Rohe extends from the Clyde Dam to Beaumont, and covers Alexandra, Clyde and Roxburgh. The rohe includes some important tributaries for the Clutha/Mata-Au, such as the Fraser River (also known as the Earnscleugh), Benger Burn, Teviot River, and Beaumont River. Lake Roxburgh is roughly in the middle of the rohe along the Clutha Mata-Au River, while the Fraser and Teviot River catchments host the Fraser Dam and Lake Onslow, respectively.
The Clutha Mata-au River is important in Kāi Tahu traditions and history, and mana whenua have an ongoing relationship with wāhi tupuna and mahika kai values. The area is also home to wetlands, galaxiids and landscapes with high natural character.
The Roxburgh Rohe, the neighbouring Manuherekia Rohe, and the northern part of the Taieri Rohe are combined when considering socio-economic information. These communities have close economic ties – for example, people often live in one area and work or spend time in the others. The three areas combined are referred to as the ‘Inland’.
In 2018, the area was home to around 13,000 residents (6% of Otago’s population), an increase of 15% from 2006. The economy of this area depends on the water-reliant agriculture sector (which provides for one in five jobs) and tourism-related industries (15% of all jobs). The third largest sector in the area is administrative services (13%), with the employment services sub-category providing 10% of all jobs. Together, these industries account for around half of the employment in the ‘Inland’ area.
It is important to understand Māori history and the Māori economy when developing policy and assessing its impacts. Pre-European Māori history shapes today’s Aotearoa, and the Māori economy is integral to the national economic system. ORC is partnering with Aukaha and Te Ao Marama to develop an overview of Kāi Tahu history and economy. This work will be included in the economic impact assessment, available 2023.
The Roxburgh Rohe covers around 180,000 hectares of land, with grassland being the most common land cover. Low-producing grasslands that brown off over summer, such as those found on steep hill and high country, occupy 32% of the rohe. High-producing grasslands such as intensified grazing occupy 29%. These grasslands are mainly used for farming. Tall tussock grasslands cover 24%, and exotic forests cover 2% of the rohe. The exotic forests are mostly Pinus radiata, Douglas fir and Eucalyptus.
The primary land use is dry stock farming, mainly pasture-grazing beef cattle, sheep, and deer for meat, wool and velvet production. Seventy-seven percent of the rohe is used for dry stock farming: sheep and beef (65%); mixed sheep, beef and deer (6%); and sheep farming (6%).
Conservation estate covers around 10% of the rohe, with forestry, nurseries, vineyards and orchards covering 2% of the area.
Over the past 30 years, the rohe has seen a 10-fold increase in conservation estate, an expansion of forestry by 156%, and an increase in nurseries, vineyards and orchards by 17%. Dry stock farming has decreased by 12% but remains the primary land use in the Roxburgh area.
Soil types include Anthropic, Brown, Pallic, Semi-arid, Podzols, Organic, Gley, Recent and Raw. Brown, Pallic and Semi-arid soils are most common and cover 54%, 26% and 17% of the rohe. Most sheep and beef farming is on these soil types. Semi-arid soils are generally well drained, while Pallic and Brown soils have varied drainage, with moderate to slow permeability.
heavy rain to the west. In the east, much lighter rain falls due to the sheltering effect of the Southern Alps. This effect is typical in Central Otago.
A mountain range on the western border also provides shelter from rain coming from the southwest. Heavier rain from the southwest falls at the tops of this mountain range, but rainfall quickly decreases towards the east.
The Roxburgh Rohe is in the heart of Central Otago and subject to typical weather conditions for this area with hot, dry summers and cold, frosty, dry winters. Mean annual rainfall is about 1200mm on the Obelisk/Old Man Mountain ranges, around 900mm on the hills south of the mountains, about 360mm near Alexandra, and 450-500mm further south.
Temperatures can range from highs of more than 38°C in summer to lows around -10°C in winter. Evaporation is very high, especially in the lowlands, where it usually exceeds precipitation, and creates a moisture deficit.
Rivers and streams originating in this rohe do not have large flows and generally have very low flows in summer. However, the Clutha/Mata-Au River, which runs through the centre of this rohe, has a healthy flow throughout the year.
All the rivers and streams in this rohe are used extensively for irrigation due to the extreme dryness in the spring, summer and autumn. In summer, the smaller streams and rivers can run dry due to both natural losses to groundwater and water taken for irrigation. Hydroelectricity generation at Roxburgh Dam is also an important control on water quantity.
Water quality in the Roxburgh Rohe is generally good. However, there are signs of degraded water quality in some indicators we measure, particularly in the Benger Burn. Potential pressures on water quality include pastoral farming, orcharding and plantation forestry. At times, these stresses on water quality may be made worse by low flows in tributaries.
We monitor water quality and the ecology of rivers and streams at Teviot River, Fraser River, the Clutha/Mata-Au River at Millers Flat and Benger Burn. Results indicate the health of a river or stream, and we analyse long-term data to see trends. We have been monitoring some sites in this rohe for fewer than five years, so only have interim results for the current water quality state and trends.
Monitoring results show the Benger Burn, Clutha/Mata-Au and Teviot River sites did not meet the required national standard (National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020) for E. coli (human health indicator) and suspended fine sediment (visual clarity).
For the river sites, only the Clutha/Mata-Au River at Millers Flat has enough data for trend analysis. The analysis for this site shows likely improvements in nutrients over 20 years but decreased visual clarity.
The results for Lake Onslow are mixed, with degrading trends over ten years for ammoniacal nitrogen and chlorophyll-a (a measure of algae in the water) but improving trends for visual clarity. Ammoniacal nitrogen can enter waterways via effluent and sewage and is toxic to aquatic life at high concentrations.
The area contains several recognised groundwater basins and associated aquifers. The Alexandra basin in the north includes the Dunstan Flats, Earnscleugh Terrace and some of the Manuherekia Claybound aquifers. There are also the Roxburgh (Roxburgh East & West aquifers) and Ettrick basins.
The aquifers are mainly found in glacial outwash deposits. The geology of the aquifers and key parameters such as how far down the water table is and how good the aquifer is at transmitting groundwater vary greatly. The interaction between groundwater and surface waterbodies also vary across the rohe, being different for the Benger Burn, Fraser, Clutha Mata-Au, and Manuherekia rivers.
Water from surface water bodies and irrigation schemes recharges groundwater, which is primarily used for domestic consumption, stock water, community supply and irrigation. Areas like Ettrick are developing rapidly and seeing changes in land use. This is likely to put pressure on the quality and availability of groundwater.
Groundwater quality results vary. Results from two ORC monitoring bores in the Alexandra basin indicate good groundwater quality, with no exceedances of the NZ Drinking Water Standards for arsenic, E. coli or nitrate.
Results from the Roxburgh basin show no exceedances of the E. coli or arsenic limits. However, nitrate concentrations are between 33% and 50% of the limit (11.3mg/L). This suggests that it is wise to monitor nitrate concentrations in this area.
Results from two monitoring bores in Ettrick are poorer than the other areas, with several E. coli exceedances in both bores. Groundwater nitrate concentrations are also high, ranging between around 50% and 85% of the limit. Dissolved arsenic limits were not exceeded in either bore. This area’s rapid land use changes and development will likely worsen these issues.
The Roxburgh Rohe has extensive freshwater biodiversity features including rare and threatened species, and vulnerable ecosystems including braided rivers, ephemeral wetlands, inland saline, lake margins and wetlands. These ecosystems are often threatened by changes in land use and invasive species. We know little about the extent and/or condition of many of these ecosystems.
Diverse species depend on freshwater habitats and ecosystems, including fishes, invertebrates, plants and birds. We have identified 40 threatened freshwater-dependent species in the Roxburgh Rohe. Threatened freshwater fishes are the Clutha flathead galaxias, Teviot flathead galaxias, dusky galaxias and lamprey.
Threatened freshwater invertebrates are a moth, a true bug and a stonefly. Threatened freshwater-dependent plants are Triglochin palustris and Crassula multicaulis.
Many native birds depend on freshwater ecosystems, permanently or as mobile residents, including the threatened Australasian crested grebe and black-fronted tern. We lack information about species, particularly freshwater invertebrates, non-vascular plants and algae.
Exotic fishes found in the rohe are perch and three salmonids. Many native freshwater species are under threat and their numbers continue to decline.
Twelve sites are mapped as Regionally Significant Wetlands: these are classified as inland saline (4 sites), ephemeral wetland (1), fen (3) and marsh (4). Wetlands are common in upland areas, with copper tussock, sedgeland and herb field the most widespread plant types in this rohe.
The streams draining into Lake Onslow from the south (Boundary and Fortification Creek) are perhaps the most distinctive and impressive upland wetlands in Otago, if not nationally. Northern parts of the rohe, on the margins of the Manuherekia, support several saline wetlands.
Inland saline sites are in the Conroys Gully area: Conroys Dam Inland Saline Wetland Management Area (18 hectares), Conroys Road Inland Saline Wetland Complex (seven hectares), Chapman Road Inland Saline Area (seven hectares), and Blackmans Inland Saline Wetland Management Area (12 hectares).
They are mainly towards the bottom of hillside slopes, intermittently wet with seepage from groundwater. These areas have saline and alkaline soils and support salt-tolerant plants that otherwise occur in coastal salt marshes. They also have some annual species that are dormant in dry seasons, which is unusual in native plants.
Flat Top Hill Ephemeral Wetlands (five hectares) form on surface depressions of hill-crest plateaus. These wetlands also have native annual plants that tolerate both ponding and drought.
The most extensive wetlands in the rohe occupy the valleys that feed Lake Onslow from the south. These wetlands are Fortification Creek Wetland Management Area (526 hectares, including the Teviot River South Branch), Boundary Creek Fen (94 hectares), and Middle Swamp (67 hectares). In these fen wetlands, valley floors with gentle gradients have developed meandering systems on a smaller scale and at a higher altitude than the broad scroll plains of the upper Taieri.
These have complex patterns of sinuous stream channels, cut-offs, oxbows and old river channels. Copper tussock grassland grows in the alluvial flats, along with sedgelands, turf communities in the hollows, aquatic plants and sphagnum fens at the valley sides.
We have identified four small marsh sites in the Ettrick to Roxburgh area: Island Block Pond Marshes (four hectares), Upper Black Stream Marshes (three hectares), Rigney Pond Marshes (0.5 hectares), and Gilmour Road Marsh (one hectare).
A significant wetland not currently listed in the RPW is Teviot Swamp. This is a large fen complex found in a basin at the head of the south branch of the Teviot River at 1000m altitude. Fed by groundwater and seepages from the top of the Lammerlaw Range, sphagnum moss is the main peat-forming plant on the wettest ground.
As water movement changes with time, the vegetation changes to cushion plants. In the uppermost tributaries, moss and cushion communities are part of small string bog systems, with pools in terraces. Other fingers of valley wetlands at upper altitudes also occur in the heads of the Fraser River, west of Alexandra.
Download the Roxburgh Rohe Chapter
This summary provides an overview of the provisions relating to the Roxburgh Rohe (area). This includes environmental outcomes, target attribute states and area-specific rules and limits. The rules and limits are in addition to those in the region-wide rules covered in the other summaries.
If you are unsure of any particular terms, there is a glossary of terms.
Recent content updates:
A map of the Roxburgh Rohe boundary is shown below.
In its new Land and Water Regional Plan ORC must set environmental outcomes for the freshwater values identified in the Roxburgh Rohe. An environmental outcome statement describes the desired future state that communities in the Roxburgh Rohe and tangata whenua would like to see for a specific value.
The environmental outcome statements are very similar across all FMUs and rohe in Otago, which reflects the fact that the aspirations that tangata whenua and the different communities have for the environment are largely consistent across the region. Table 1 sets out the draft environmental outcomes for the Roxburgh Rohe.
Value |
Environmental Outcomes for Roxburgh rohe |
Attributes to measure and monitor
NPSFM compulsory values (apply to every FMU/rohe) |
Ecosystem health |
Freshwater bodies support healthy freshwater ecosystems with thriving habitats for a range of indigenous species, and the life stages of those species, that would be expected to occur naturally. |
Rivers: Ammonia Nitrate Suspended fine sediment E. Coli Dissolved reactive phosphorus Periphyton Macroinvertebrates (MCI/ASPM) Fish IBI E. Coli primary contact sites Macroinvertebrates (QMCI) score*¹ Deposited fine sediment* Dissolved oxygen* Ecosystem metabolism* Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Ammonia Cyanobacteria* Submerged plants (natives)* Submerged plants (invasive)* Lake-bottom dissolved oxygen* Mid-hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen* |
Human contact |
Water bodies are clean and safe for human contact activities and support the health of people and their connections with water bodies. |
Rivers: E. Coli Suspended fine sediment Periphyton E. Coli primary contact sites Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Cyanobacteria (Biovolume cubic millimetres per litre)* |
Threatened species |
The freshwater habitats of threatened species are protected and support the persistence and recovery of threatened species over time. |
All the attributes listed for Ecosystem Health above.
Recency of presence National conservation category and status Regional conservation category and status Number of sub-populations |
Mahika kai (food and resource gathering) |
Mahika kai resources are restored to a condition in which populations of valued mahika kai species are self-sustaining and plentiful enough to support cultural take. Mana whenua are able to safely access, harvest and use these resources now and in the future. |
All the attributes listed for Ecosystem Health above. |
Other values (apply to every FMU/rohe) |
Natural form and character |
Freshwater bodies and their riparian margins, and any connected receiving environment including any estuaries and hāpua (lagoon) are able to behave in a way that reflects their natural form and character to the greatest extent practicable, and the natural form and function of unmodified water bodies is protected. |
Rivers: Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Macroinvertebrates (QMCI) score* Deposited fine sediment* Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Cyanobacteria* Submerged plants (natives)* Submerged plants (invasive)* Lake-bottom dissolved oxygen* Mid-hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen* |
Drinking water supply |
Provided the health and wellbeing needs of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems are met, source water from water bodies (after treatment) is safe and reliable for the drinking water supply needs of the community. Activities do not introduce or increase the concentration of contaminants in water, so that, after existing treatment, it no longer meets drinking water standards |
Wāhi tūpuna (sites of significance to iwi) |
Cultural associations with wāhi tūpuna are maintained, visible, and whānau are able to access, use and relate to wāhi tūpuna now and in the future. |
Information available soon. |
Fishing |
Fish are safe to eat; and Insofar as it is consistent with the protection of indigenous and threatened species, the spawning and juvenile rearing waters for trout and salmon are provided for. |
Rivers: E. Coli Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Nitrate Suspended fine sediment Macroinvertebrates (MCI/ASPM) Fish IBI Macroinvertebrates (QMCI) score* Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Cyanobacteria (Biovolume cubic millimetres per litre)* |
Irrigation, cultivation and production of food and beverages |
Provided the health and wellbeing of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems and human health needs are met, the cultivation and production of food, beverages and fibre is enabled. |
Rivers: Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Water quantity |
Wetlands |
Wetlands are protected, and their ecosystem health, indigenous biodiversity, and hydrological functioning is restored where degraded. |
Information available soon.
Taoka species (treasured species) |
Thriving, connected habitats for indigenous species are restored and sustained for ever and their mauri is intact. |
Values that apply to specific FMU |
Commercial and industrial use |
Provided the health and wellbeing of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems and human health needs are met, commercial and industrial activities are enabled. |
Rivers: Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Water quantity |
Hydro-electric power generation |
Existing hydro-electric generation activities are developed, operated, maintained and upgraded in a way that meets the environmental outcomes to the greatest extent practicable. |
¹*Asterisk indicates that the baseline state of these compulsory attributes is not known, but monitoring is now being undertaken.
Attributes are indicators that we can measure and monitor. Attributes tell us about the state of a river or lake. A target attribute state (TAS) is the state that an attribute must achieve to make sure that an environmental outcome is met. The timeframe for achieving the TAS for each FMU is set by the environmental outcomes for the FMU. For the Taiari/Taieri FMU, the environmental outcomes are to be achieved by 2050. By monitoring attributes and comparing their baseline state with their TAS we learn how well how well we are on track towards achieving the environmental outcomes for this FMU or rohe.
While the environmental outcome statements are largely consistent across Otago, baseline states and TAS are usually specific to each FMU and rohe. Attributes for each value and baseline states for those attributes have been identified along with trends derived from the Otago Regional Council's State of the Environment (SoE) monitoring data.
The baseline state and TAS for the Roxburgh Rohe are in the map below.
Zoom into an area and view the various locations of proposed monitoring sites in an area(s).
Select the yellow dot representing a proposed monitoring site to see the Target Attribute States.
You can further select the Target Attribute States table to view a larger version of the table.
(Note: If you are on a mobile device, tap on the arrow next to the 'X' icon for the table to show.)
National direction requires Council to set limits as rules or action plans (as appropriate) to achieve the environmental outcomes. This can be done at a region-wide level or at FMU/rohe level. The draft region-wide rules are set out in different briefing papers, including the briefing papers Primary Production, Wastewater, Stormwater, Earthworks, Water Quantity and various others. However, for the Roxburgh Rohe a number of specific rules are proposed that are needed to make sure the environmental outcomes for this rohe are achieved overtime. These additional rules, which will be included in the Roxburgh Rohe chapter of the new Land and Water Regional Plan, are shown in the table below.
Contaminants of concern |
Draft LWRP |
The Roxburgh rohe chapter will also include take limits and environmental flows and levels for rivers, lakes and aquifers in this rohe.
Take limits reflect the total quantity of water that can be taken, dammed or diverted from a stream, river, lake or aquifer. Once the combined rate of take for all consented water takes, diversion or damming activities from a water body matches this take limit no further water can be allocated in new consents.
Environmental flows (for rivers or streams) or environmental levels (for lakes and aquifers) include minimum flows or levels that when reached all consented (and some permitted) takes, diversions and damming activities must cease. These restrictions on water taking, diversions or damming activities typically occur during dry periods and are needed to make sure after important values, such as threatened fish, drinking water supply or mahika kai (food and resource gathering) values, are looked after.
Environmental levels and take limits for lakes in the Roxburgh rohe are shown in the table below. Because the lakes in the Roxburgh rohe are a result of the damming of rivers or streams, these lakes have been classed as controlled lakes.
Lakes Roxburgh and Onslow will continue to be managed in accordance with their consented lake level conditions, while any takes from these lakes will be subject to the take limits that will apply to the river catchments within which these are located.
Other controlled lakes, such as Butchers Dam, Conroys Dam and Pinders Pond, will be subject to both the minimum flow and take limits take limits that will apply to the river catchments within which these are located.
Name |
Environmental level(s) |
Take limit |
Controlled lakes |
Lake Onslow (Teviot River catchment) Lake Roxburgh (Clutha River/Mata-Au catchment) |
Consented levels |
Subject to the take limit of the river catchment that the lake is located within |
*ORC scientists are working to produce this information a week out from the event in Miller’s Flat. |
Butchers Dam (Butchers Creek catchment) Conroys Dam (Fraser River catchment) Frasers Dam (Fraser River catchment) Pinders Pond |
Lake level managed by the minimum flow of the river catchment that the lake is located within
Subject to the take limit of the river catchment that the lake is located within
*ORC scientists are working to produce this information a week out from the event in Miller’s Flat. |
Environmental flows and take limits for rivers in the Roxburgh rohe are shown in the table below.
For some rivers in the Roxburgh rohe, such as the Benger Burn and Fraser River, Otago Regional Council proposes to set interim take limits and environmental flows according to the default method above. These will be implemented through the resource consent replacement process. However, prior to this resource consent replacement process Council will assess whether there is a need to set bespoke minimum flows and take limits for these rivers through a plan change process. Given the current level of water use and allocation, these rivers will in effect be either fully allocated or over-allocated and any new taking of water will not be available.
For some river catchments where a transition may be needed to achieve the environmental outcomes of the catchment and phase out over-allocation it is proposed to set a common consent duration expiry date for any new consent granted under the LWRP framework, the proposed common catchment date for rivers where this will apply in the Roxburgh rohe is 2032.
For some other rivers with a mean flow of 5,000 litres per second or less, a total take limit will be set as 20% of the 7-day MALF of these rivers (the 7-day MALF is a flow statistic that provides an indication of how low the flow gets in a typical year). Restrictions on consented and some permitted water takes, diversions and damming activities in these river catchments will be triggered when recorded or observed flows are at 90% of the 7-day MALF.
Table 4 provides estimates of the actual minimum flows and take limits for different catchments based on the default method using the best available information to determine the 7-day MALF of each catchment. The numeric minimum flows and take limits will not be included in the LWRP. Instead, the LWRP will refer to the relevant % of 7-day MALF.
Name |
Environmental flow (l/s)
Take limit (l/s)
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
River catchments with a mean flow ≤ 5,000 l/s and managed by default limits
Beaumont River |
440 |
98 |
Yes |
Belle Burn |
163 |
36 |
Yes |
Black Jacks Creek |
350 |
78 |
Yes |
Butchers Creek (2) |
365 |
81 |
Yes |
Canadian Creek |
272 |
60 |
Yes |
Cave Creek |
249 |
55 |
Yes |
Colmans Gully Creek |
219 |
49 |
Yes |
Craig Creek |
195 |
43 |
Yes |
Donaldsons Creek |
172 |
38 |
Yes |
Fergusons Gully Creek |
68 |
15 |
Yes |
Fourteen Mile Creek |
192 |
43 |
Yes |
Fruid Burn |
608 |
135 |
Yes |
Island Block |
161 |
36 |
Yes |
Judge Creek |
208 |
46 |
Yes |
Little Minzion Burn |
162 |
36 |
Yes |
McCunn Road Creek |
213 |
47 |
Yes |
McNeish Creek |
202 |
45 |
Yes |
Minzion Burn |
119 |
26 |
Yes |
Mt Benger Creek |
197 |
44 |
Yes |
Oven Hill Creek |
16 |
4 |
Yes |
Pringle Road Creek |
38 |
9 |
Yes |
Raes Junction Creek |
386 |
86 |
Yes |
Roxburgh East Creek |
286 |
64 |
Yes |
Ruby Creek |
62 |
14 |
Yes |
Shanty Creek |
308 |
69 |
Yes |
Shellbacks Beach Creek |
129 |
29 |
Yes |
Three Brothers Gully Creek |
31 |
7 |
Yes |
Tima Burn |
178 |
40 |
No |
Waikerikeri Creek |
282 |
63 |
Yes |
Table 5 provides estimates of the actual minimum flows and take limits for different catchments based on the default method using the best available information to determine the 7-day MALF of each catchment. The numeric minimum flows and take limits will not be included in the LWRP. Instead, the LWRP will refer to the relevant % of 7-day MALF.
Name |
Environmental flow (l/s)
Take limit (l/s)
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
River catchments where default limits will be set as interim limits to be given effect to at the time of consent renewal, unless bespoke limits are set |
Benger Burn*
82 |
18 |
No |
Butchers Creek (2)
295 |
65 |
No |
343 |
76 |
No |
Coal Creek (1)
219 |
49 |
No |
Coal Creek (2)
256 |
57 |
No |
Elbow Creek
250 |
55 |
No |
Fraser River*
538 |
120 |
No |
Shingle Burn
347 |
77 |
No |
Teviot River*
632 |
140 |
No |
*Requires further bespoke work to determine take limits and environmental flows upon consent replacement |
For the Roxburgh East and West and South Ettrick Aquifers take limits will be set based on a proportion (35%) of the mean annual recharge of these aquifers. While national direction requires Otago Regional Council also to set environmental levels for this type of aquifers, we will not have sufficient groundwater level monitoring data to set environmental levels for these aquifers in the Land and Water Regional Plan when it will be notified. Therefore, environmental levels for these aquifers will be set at a later date.
Table 6 provides estimates of the actual takes limit for aquifers based on the default method using the best available information to determine the aquifers’ Mean Annual Recharge (MAR). The numeric take limits will not be included in the LWRP. Instead, the LWRP will refer to the relevant % of the MAR.
Name |
Environmental level(s) |
Take limit (volume in m3/year) |
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
Aquifers managed by default limits
Dunstan flat aquifer |
Not required to be included in the new LWRP at this time |
1,290,00 |
Yes |
Earnscleugh aquifer |
8,930,00 |
Yes |
Roxburgh East Aquifer
Yes |
Roxburgh West Aquifer
4,816,000 |
Yes |
South Ettrick Basin Aquifer* |
1,925,000 |
No |
*Requires further bespoke work to determine take limits |
Outstanding water bodies are water bodies that have one or more outstanding values. National direction requires the Otago Regional Council to identify outstanding water bodies and protect their important values. The table below lists the outstanding water bodies in this rohe and describes their outstanding values.
Below is a map featuring all the water bodies in Otago.
You can zoom in and view the various water bodies in an area(s).
Water bodies are shown in a blue colour. Select an area to view the water body name.
(Note: if you are on a mobile device, after selecting a water body, tap on the arrow next to the 'X' icon to view more information.)
Unique identifier |
Site identifier |
Values and characteristics |
Ecology |
ECL16 |
Talla Burn |
ECL17 |
Teviot River |
ECL18 |
Fortification Creek Wetland Management Area |
Physical |
None identified. |
Recreation |
REC47 |
Clutha River / Mata-au (below Roxburgh) |
Natural character |
NAT15 |
Old Man Range |
Active Bed
NAT16 |
Lammerlaw Scroll Plains |
Active bed
NAT17 |
Waikerikeri |
Natural features and landscapes |
LAN45 |
Upper Fraser River |
LAN46 |
Butchers Dam |
Contact your rohe's Catchment Advisor for advice and assistance on sustainable land management practices that protect Otago’s waterways.
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