The resolution to make Plan Change 4C operative was made on 5 August 2015, and this was publicly notified on 15 August 2015. Plan Change 4C is operative from 1 September 2015.

View and download documents

Public Notice of Operative Plan Changes 4B and 4C (91 KB).
Download operative Plan Change 4C (171 KB).
Download the operative Plan Change 4C map (8 MB).


Plan Change 4C Archive

Plan Change 4C (Groundwater management: Cromwell Terrace Aquifer) proposed to set a maximum allocation limit of 4 Mm3/yr for the Cromwell Terrace Aquifer in Schedule 4A of the Water Plan. This aquifer is currently shown in Map C7 of the Water Plan Maps. The maximum allocation limit will apply to new groundwater takes that are not permitted under the provisions of the Water Plan.

Plan Change 4C was publicly notified on Saturday 16 August 2014. Following the submission and hearing process, the Council publicly notified its decision on the plan change on Saturday 13 December 2014. An appeal was resolved through mediation.

The resolution to make Plan Change 4C operative was made on 5 August 2015, and this was publicly notified on 15 August 2015. Plan Change 4C is operative from 1 September 2015.