Otago regional threat assessments

Threat classifications play an important role in monitoring biodiversity and informing conservation actions.

The Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) is tasked with managing indigenous species nationally, but regional and district councils have statutory obligations to maintain indigenous biodiversity under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), including to manage the habitats of threatened species.

Nationally, the New Zealand Threat Classification System (NZTCS) is used to assess species and is administered by DOC on behalf of all New Zealanders.

The regional threat classification system leverages off the national assessments in the NZTCS, providing information relevant for the regional context. For example, a key requirement of managing the habitats of threatened species is to understand regional distributions and population sizes.

ORC has completed several regional threat assessments, with plans for more in the near future.

(note - this information is NOT up to date, we're working on the testing website with old docs)

Biodiversity resources

Guidance on planting in Otago

Get resources around a native planting guide, starting your own farm nursery, and maps of indigenous ecosystems and fauna habitats.  

ORC provides resources and works with communities to encourage restoration of native biodiversity in your backyard, farm, or local area.

By planting native plants, we can improve the diversity in Otago, creating a healthier ecosystem, improving water quality and fighting climate change.

Species factsheets