Media release

Media release: Hearings on the Otago Regional Policy Statement have commenced

Thursday 2 February 2023

Week two of the hearings for the Non-Freshwater Parts of its Otago Regional Policy Statement (ORPS) are set to resume next Tuesday.

The first week of the hearing concluded last week, covering 23-26 January and the hearings are scheduled to restart next week on 7 February, starting from 9am each day, with week two concluding on Friday, 10 February.

The hearing is open to the public and can also be livestreamed.

View the schedule for the upcoming week

ORC General Manager Policy and Science Anita Dawe says the hearing on the non-freshwater parts of the ORPS is an important milestone.

The ORPS aims to achieve long-term environmental sustainability by integrating the protection, restoration, enhancement, and use of Otago’s natural and physical resources at a region-wide level.

“We would encourage anyone with an interest in the management of natural and physical resources to tap into the livestream and get a sense of all the submissions being made,” Ms Dawe says.

The Panel appointed to hear the non-freshwater submissions on the proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement are Ron Crosby (Chair), Bianca Sullivan, Allan Cubitt and Rauru Kirikiri.

Meetings will be livestreamed to the public via the ORC YouTube channel.

View the playlist for all livestreamed Hearings

The Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement 2021 (Proposed RPS 21) sets the direction for future management of Otago's natural and physical resources - with progress on the submissions here:

The ORPS gives effect to statutory requirements set out in the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), as well as various other statutes, national direction instruments, and iwi authority planning documents.

District and regional plans in Otago need to give effect to an operative ORPS when setting objectives, policies, methods, and rules for managing activities and resources. If there is a proposed RPS being developed, district and regional Plans need to have regard to that document too.