Media release

Media release: ORC’s proposed Annual Plan now online for public input

Tuesday 21 March 2023

The Otago Regional Council’s Interim Chief Executive Dr Pim Borren is encouraging the public to get involved and check out the Council’s proposed Annual Plan for 2023-24.

Dr Pim Borren says the Proposed 2023-24 Annual Plan is now available to the public online and he is encouraging people to take a look, and if interested, ‘get involved’ in this important process.

“The Annual Plan provides ratepayers a clear picture of our work programme for the coming year and how much that programme will cost us,” Dr Borren says.

“We want to hear from our communities about what is most important for them around our environmental goals and protections,” he says.

“ORC’s primary role is to look after our environment for our future generations. We are being challenged in a number of ways right now in achieving that important goal.”

“Climate change and rapid urban development are just two examples.”

“Our work in flood protection and emergency management needs to be fit for purpose especially given the types of events we are now seeing globally, with Cyclone Gabrielle a very good example”.

“Obviously people need their lives and assets protected, but private insurance markets are beginning to look closely at risk and we need to provide confidence that we are helping mitigate that risk” says Dr Borren.

He highlighted the ‘Your Say’ surveys which are available online. The public are encouraged to provide their feedback through these two brief surveys.

Your Say surveys

Annual Plans provide a process for the ORC) to review its detailed budgets contained in the current Long-term Plan 2021-31 (LTP).

An Annual Plan is set by council for each financial year, between its Long-term plan reviews.

It reviews the work programme and funding set out in the 10-year Long-term Plan and includes the annual budget, funding impacts and any adjustments to the work programme or funding.