RM20.079 – Bendigo Station Limited

RM20.079.01 –

To take and use surface water as a primary allocation from Bendigo Creek for the purpose of irrigation, stock water supply and domestic supply.

Location - Bendigo Creek, approximately 5.7 kilometres south east of the intersection of Bendigo Loop Road and Tarras-Cromwell Road (State Highway 7).

RM20.079.02 -

To take and use surface water as a supplementary allocation from Bendigo Creek for the purpose of irrigation, stock water supply and domestic supply.

Location - Bendigo Creek, approximately 5.7 kilometres south east of the intersection of Bendigo Loop Road and Tarras-Cromwell Road (State Highway 7).

RM20.079.03 -

To dam, take and use water from and within a reservoir for the purpose of irrigation, stock water supply and domestic supply.

Location - Approximately 4 kilometres south east of the intersection of Bendigo Loop Road and Tarras-Cromwell Road (State Highway 7).


Full details of this application are also available for inspection at Otago Regional Council, 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin during working hours (8 am to 5 pm). Enquiries may be directed to Charles Horrell by emailing – Charles.Horrell@orc.govt.nz


Application and addendums

Further information request / response

S95 Report and site visit report

Submissions and Summary of Submissions

Hearing Overview

Minutes for RM20.079

S42A Report from ORC – RM20.079 – Bendigo Station Ltd

Applicant's evidence

Submitter Evidence

Right of Reply to the Applicant and Submitter evidence from Consents Officer - Charles Horrell

Rebuttal evidence from Tim Vial for RM20.079

Decision for RM20.079 – Bendigo Station Limited