ORC publishes research and strategy documents to help understand the geography and fluid dynamics of our rivers.

Channel morphology, river channel morphology or river morphology are all terms used to describe the shapes of river channels and how they change in shape and direction over time. 

Because river channels are affected by the water flow and sediment movement, you may also want to view our publications on water quality, water quantity or soils


Riparian management and stream bank erosion in New Zealand

April 2016

AO Hughes

New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research

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How bank erosion varies within catchments and the variable effectiveness of riparian interventions.

Channel Morphology and Sedimentation in the Cardrona River

February 2010

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Understanding the channel morphology and sedimentation characteristics of Otago’s rivers enables their effective management. The Otago Regional Council (ORC) undertakes scheduled cross-section surveys of selected rivers as part of its river monitoring programme. This information is used to understand the dynamic fluvial processes of the river and to establish the general state of the river’s channel morphology and gravel resource. The ORC has completed a study of the Cardrona River and the information contained in this report notes the main findings of the more comprehensive technical report Channel Morphology and Sedimentation in the Cardrona River.

Channel morphology and sedimentation in the Kakanui and Kauru Rivers, North Otago

October 2010

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An analysis of channel morphology and sedimentation in surveyed reaches of the Kakanui River and Kauru River has been undertaken using aerial photography, cross-section surveys and relevant documentation. This information can be used to support assessment of community vulnerability and river management.

Channel morphology and sedimentation in the Lower Clutha River

July 2008


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Channel morphology and sedimentation in the Lower Clutha has previously been monitored using cross-section surveys at a limited number of sites from Beaumont bar downstream to the sea. Cross-section monitoring points are introduced here to extend the analysis of gravel resources upstream from Beaumont bar to Roxburgh dam. Although these are recent additions to the Otago Regional Council (ORC) cross-section monitoring program, previous surveys have been undertaken at many of these sites and this historical information has been collated and assessed in this report.

Channel morphology and sedimentation in the Rees River (2008)

October 2008


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The Rees River is 41 km long and drains a remote alpine catchment of 412 km2. The majority of the catchment is dominated by foliated semischist deposits derived from undifferentiated volcaniclastic sandstone and siltstone that are highly susceptible to physical weathering. Sediment supplies within the Rees River are primarily derived from the adjacent tributary catchments such as Twelve Mile and Precipice Creeks.

Channel Morphology and Sedimentation in the Shag River, North Otago

November 2009


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Understanding the channel morphology and sedimentation characteristics of Otago’s rivers enables their effective management. Increasing growth throughout the Otago region has implications for the management of river systems, primarily the extraction of gravel and flood hazard effects. The Otago Regional Council (ORC) undertakes scheduled cross-section surveys of selected rivers as part of its natural hazards programme. This information is utilised to understand the dynamic fluvial processes of each river and general state of the gravel resource. This report explores how the morphology and sedimentation of the Shag River has changed over the surveyed periods, while providing a synthesis of the study’s results to guide river management into the future.

Channel morphology and sedimentation in the Waianakarua River

November 2008


PDF | 524 KB

A desktop analysis of channel morphology and sedimentation in surveyed reaches of the Waianakarua River has been undertaken using aerial photography, cross-section surveys and relevant documentation. This information can be used to support assessment of community vulnerability and river management.

Cardrona River Channel Morphology 2016

May 2016


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This report assesses changes in the morphology of the Cardrona River using visual inspections, aerial and ground photography, and cross-section data collected in 2003, 2007, and 2015. This assessment provides an update on changes in channel morphology that have occurred since the last catchment-wide analysis of long-term trends in 2010 (ORC, 2010).

Channel morphology of the Rees River, Otago (2013)

September 2013


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The Rees River is one of the main tributaries of Lake Wakatipu and drains a remote alpine catchment of 412 km2. This report assesses recent changes to its channel morphology between Lovers Leap and Lake Wakatipu, using cross-section surveys and LiDAR. This assessment provides an update on changes that have occurred since the last catchment-wide analysis of long-term trends was completed (ORC, 2008). This report, therefore, not only focuses on recent changes in morphology, but also places them within the context of earlier changes. This information can be used to support the assessment of community vulnerability to flooding and to inform decisions relating to the management of the river, including gravel extraction, floodwater conveyance and asset management.

Channel morphology of the Shag River, North Otago

September 2014


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Changes in the channel morphology of the Shag River/Waihemo have been assessed using visual inspections, aerial and ground photography, and cross-section data collected in April 2009 and October 2013. This assessment provides an update on changes in channel morphology that have occurred since the last catchment-wide analysis of long term trends in 2009. This report describes the nature of those changes where they have been significant and is intended to inform decisions relating to the management of the Shag River/Waihemo, including gravel extraction, floodwater conveyance, and asset management.

Channel morphology of the Waianakarua River, North Otago

December 2014


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Changes in the channel morphology of the Waianakarua River have been assessed using visual inspections, aerial and ground photography, and cross-section data collected in June 2004, February 2008, and October 2013. Cross-section data have been collected at 19 locations in the North and South branches, and in the main stem of the river. This assessment provides an update on the changes in channel morphology that have been observed since the last catchment-wide analysis of long-term trends in 2008. This report is designed to inform decisions relating to the management of the Waianakarua River, including gravel extraction, floodwater conveyance and asset management.

Kakanui River morphology and riparian management strategy

October 2015


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The Kakanui River morphology and riparian management strategy has been prepared by Otago Regional Council (ORC), with input from the local community, to help protect the recreational, cultural and ecological values of the Kakanui and Kauru riverbeds, and to enable long-term, sustainable use of the land which borders the river.1 The strategy, as summarised in the two diagrams below, is intended to help achieve this by guiding work programs, decision-making and activities, for the community, stakeholders, and ORC. It is therefore recommended that people who live, work or play within the Kakanui catchment consider, and give effect to the principles, objectives, and actions listed in this strategy.

Pomahaka River morphology and riparian management strategy

May 2016


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The Pomahaka River morphology and riparian management strategy has been prepared by the Otago Regional Council (ORC), with input from the local community, to help protect the recreational, cultural and ecological values of the Pomahaka riverbed, and to enable long-term sustainable use of the land that borders the river. The strategy, as summarised in the two diagrams overleaf, is intended to help achieve this by guiding work programs, decision-making, and activities for the community, stakeholders, and ORC. It is therefore recommended that people who live, work, or play within the Pomahaka River catchment consider, and give effect to, the principals, objectives, and actions listed in this strategy.

Proposed Pomahaka River Management Strategy Information sheet – March 2016

March 2017

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The Otago Regional Council (ORC) is developing a river management strategy for the Pomahaka River. This strategy will be similar to the Kakanui River management strategy which can be downloaded from the ORC website (www.orc.govt.nz). The proposed strategy is intended to guide decisions on the style, scale, location, and type of activities occurring in the channel and the riparian margins of the Pomahaka River. Its focus is on the main stem of the Pomahaka River for the reach between Dusky Forest and Conical Hill. It will also be relevant to some activities occurring outside this area.

Proposed Taieri River Management Strategy Information sheet – April 2016

March 2016

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The Otago Regional Council (ORC) is developing a river management strategy for the Taieri River. This strategy will be similar to the Kakanui River management strategy which can be downloaded from the ORC website (www.orc.govt.nz). The proposed strategy is intended to guide decisions on the style, scale, location, and type of activities occurring in the channel and the riparian margins of the Taieri River. Its focus is on the main stem of the Taieri River for the reach between Hyde and the Matarae. It will also be relevant to some activities occurring outside this area.

Shag/Waihemo River morphology and riparian management strategy

June 2018


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Taieri River Morphology and Riparian Management Strategy (Strath Taieri)

May 2016


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The Taieri River morphology and riparian management strategy has been prepared by the Otago Regional Council (ORC), with input from the local community, to help protect the recreational, cultural and ecological values of the Taieri riverbed and to enable long-term sustainable use of the land that borders the river. The strategy, as summarised in the two diagrams overleaf, is intended to help achieve this by guiding work programs, decision making, and activities for the community, stakeholders, and ORC. It is therefore recommended that people who live, work or play within the Taieri River catchment consider, and give effect to, the principals, objectives, and actions listed in this strategy.

Waianakarua River Morphology and Riparian Management Strategy

June 2018

ISBN 978-0-908324-50-7

PDF | 14 MB

Shag/Waihemo River morphology and riparian management statement

June 2018

ISBN 978-0-908324-49-1

PDF | 25 MB

The Shag River/Waihemo morphology and riparian management strategy has been prepared by the Otago Regional Council (ORC), with input from the local community, to help protect the recreational, cultural, spiritual and ecological values of the Shag River/Waihemo riverbed, and to enable long term sustainable use of the land that borders the river. The strategy, as summarised in the two diagrams overleaf, is intended to help achieve this by guiding work programs, decision-making, and activities for the community, stakeholders, iwi and ORC. It is therefore recommended that people who live, work, or play within the Shag River/Waihemo catchment consider, and give effect to, the principles, objectives, and actions listed in this strategy. Updated: 10/06/2019